

Ernest Dove - Bring on the (new) New York Mets.

                 So the hammer has finally come down, huh?  Now what?

    I've decided to not rant again, two weeks in a row. so instead I say:

    Bring on the new Mets. Bring on the new attitude. Bring on the 'ya gotta earn your spot', no more 'we believe in you, so we're sticking with you'.

    My memory seems to get more and more foggy each year; however, from what I remember, our beloved Mets always seemed to be the team trading away prospects, not keeping them.  So many 'deadline deals', signings and trades gone wrong, trying to race for the pennant. So many guys like Bonilla, Bay,  Kaz Matsui, Mo Vaughn, and on and on and on.

    Maybe it's time. Time to put our faith in our scouts. Time to believe in what Sandy Alderson is doing. The time for 'playing to win, day to day', isn't working anyway.

    So today, I consider myself, a new man. A man of optimism.................Now, of course, I might check my morning news on Macks Mets (I'm writing this article on Sunday night)  and read names of more 'fill ins' to replace Ike, Baxter and Carson, but I've decided to be optimistic. I'm more preparing myself to read of actual 'prospects'. 

    I'm ready to see something new in NEW York. Besides. I'm a Mets fan. We're used to waiting anyway.  I've been waiting since I was 9 years old to see another world series title.

    I want more then to watch another teams 20 year kid shut us down for 7 innings, while the kid we drafted ahead of him still lingers in Low A ball.  I'm ready to see (new) potential. We've seen Ike. We've seen Baxter (thanks forever for no-hit saving catch, love, Mets fans) and we've seen way too much of Carson (good luck in your journey out of baseball. Maybe the Mariners will resurrect your career one day like all the other recent former Mets).

    Wow, I think I might be ranting..............well.........let's call it sarcasm....I'm pretty good at that too.

    I want more then just "Harvey Day". I want 'Wheeler Day', I want 'Flores at-bat', I want Leathersich (Mack's Mets is the only reason I've heard of this kid, but I want him in City Field, ASAP).

    I wanna Believe. And what better way then to do it while watching the future, rather then the present-past. One filled with 35+yr olds paid yearly to fill a spot until so-and-so makes it up.

    Now, I'm not saying the Mets should call up every decent prospect they have, ready or not (although, they should consider calling up Puello before he takes a long vacation, compliments of a certain scandal involving a certain synthetic).

    But I do say its time to get a look at what we got.  Consider it like a rookie quarterback. Not sure if he's ready, but the team is terrible anyway.  Question is: Can he handle losing? Can he handle New York? Can he handle maybe having to be the only guy that night who can get a hit, or have to throw a shutout to have a chance to win? Time to find it or not..............I'll still be watchin.....Go Mets !

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