

Indy 9, Buffalo 2

Indy beat Buffalo, 9-2.

Lance Broadway returned to the starting rotation, where he should have remained his entire minor league career. Let’s remember that Broadway was a big time prospect and he’ young enough to turn around a mediocre minor league career.

The Herd struck for two runs in the first, when Matt Watson walked, and Wily Mo Pena belted his 4th home run of the season.

Indianapolis came back with four runs of their own, in the top of the second. That inning included a single by Larry Broadway, no relation to Lance. They tacked two more runs on in the 4th inning against Broadway.

Not much more to say about this game, other than the fact that RP Adam Bostick pitched his first inning this year at AAA (0.00).

Broadway wasn’t even on Canal Street,

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