

Mets vs. Draft

It's that time of the year when everything goes to shit in my world.

It takes a good 4-5 hours a day just to keep up with quality Mets postings, and usually, adding draft information is a pleasant add on for around 40 weeks. Then April runs around and everybody and his lost uncle has a mock draft and is writing quality articles on talented kids trying to get a phone call on June 7.

As most of you know, this is basially a one man operation, but in a morose way, my medicial limitations give me more time on the computer lately. The Docs took away my car keys once the sun goes down, and the powers to be at the Savannah Sand Gnats have repaid me with ellination most of the day games this year. I go out early for an interview or two, but frankly, I get more done in my office in my bedroom. Yes, the mother-in-law moved in and my office is now her sitting room where she plays with her stamp collection. All this for going disco in 1978.

I'm had a lot of coaches, agents, and parents email an appreciated my putting out the information on these kids, and thought the system is full of flaws, at least the highlights of their career is being compiled somewhere.

A few things to look for:

1. I will keep up all the Mets news from 8am until arounfd 8pm.

2. Beginnign 8pm, the site will be dominated with draft info.

3. Look for at least two posts on five individuals that have produced major press in the past week.

4. I will also feature nightly a few re-ranking of all players by one of the key positions. Look for them to rotate over an eight day period.

5. Lastly, I can need all the inquiries and feedback you can muster. Please contact me at with your questions or inquiries.

6. Once the draft is over, we'll recap for a couple of weeks and then get right into the 2011 draft. I have some ideas on how to get additional quality information directly from the conferences, but that's a future fish to fly.

7. Lastly... please check the last line of this info. I try and help all of you live your life and do your job better... for free. I also try and put smiles on your players and son's faces. Please consider making me smile a little once in awhile

Now, back to the work

Mack Ade
1855 Abbey Glen Way
Hardeeville, SC 29927

-I gather the info on the blog for free... on disablity... please consider donation to paypal:

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