

Dewey Vs. Truman, Part Deux!!

By David Rubin

EDITOR'S NOTE: Ken Rosenthal, Adam Rubin, et al have posted that TERRY COLLINS is the new Mets manager. Let's hope this headline ---->>> doesn't prove to be accurate!

It's Melvin!! It's Wally!! It's Terry!! It's Chip!! It's DEWEY!!!!!!!!

Hey- it's football Sunday, both the Jets and Giants are playing, it's almost Gobble-Day - let's all just appreciate a fine Sunday, and be happy that at least, at this time of year, SOMETHING that the Mets are doing is making headlines!!! I know the "it's Wally" people are being heard from, that Melvin has supposedly jumped to the head of the pack, and everything else we've all heard...but that's the thing- we'll KNOW who the choice is, at the latest, tomorrow (Monday), if not late tonight. So enjoy some football, kick back, relax, and we'll know soon pass me a beer and another slice of pizza!!