

Exclusive: Mets Considering Adding Satin to Mix

The Mets will shut down Jose Reyes through next Wednesday, regardless of what the MRI says today Ruben Yejada will move to SS.

Options being considered:

1B/2B/3B Josh Satin - Satin would be PH and backup at all three positions.

1B/3B/OF - Nick Evans - Evans could split time with Murphy at 1B, and Turner at 3B.

SS/2B Luiz Hernandez - would serve primarily as Tejada backup at short.

I look for "standard" starting lineup to be:  1B Duda, 2B Murphy, SS Tejada, 3B Turner


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I'm not sure what difference it makes who I am. But since you ask Im someone who frequents your blog.

    And as my last post states, I was just inquiring of how did you come across information stating the mets had Satin in the mix for a call up to the majors. Since you didn't post whether it was from the mets directly, a source. Just curious due to the fact that I think Satin should have been in the majors by now or at least in triple A.

  3. Al, my source is just one of the many people I talk to about this organization. None of us would ever be told anything if we exposed our sources.

    This isn't a big story. It was just part of a conversation I had with someone going over what options the Mets had. I found it surprising that Josh's name came up because it was the first time I ever heard his name in a "grown up" conversation.

  4. Ive been waiting for the Mets' front office during this regime and Omar's to finally open up their eyes and promote Satin. If he was a first rounder or 22 years old, he'd be a hot prospect. Unfortunately for Josh, he wasn't drafted young and wasn't drafted in the first two rounds. I'll even go out on a limb and say that if this guy gets a chance, he'll out preform Turner, Duda, Tejada, and the rest of the Buffolo Solders that currently have been keeping this team respectable. Charleu T

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Mack- it makes a LOT of sense that he'd be brought up (in conversation, if not in actual Major League Promotion) - he's still a HUGE question mark, we don't know if he's truly going to be a major league prospect or a 4-A potential star and with the SS position so up in the air, it makes sense that Satin's name would come up. Also, as it relates to sources, I can say first-hand that Mack and I have BOTH refrained from publishing things that we knew to be true in order to protect sources and refrain from potentially detrimental things getting out into the "ether" if you will...we can not disclose their names/positions, ever, or run the risk of a.) not having them as a source any longer and b.) in a politically clouded climate, run the risk of their having to pay the "piper" so to speak as it relates to job security. Take Mack at his word- it's not wrong...

  7. David, thanks for your thoughts regarding sources...

    I will say this.... 90% of what I get are NOT from Mets players or suits... I NEVER ask a player anything that would get them in trouble...

    And David, you have read some of the things I have received from players that I have chosen NOT to print... for their sake, not mine.

    90% of my info comes from the scouting industry and none of it will ever be identified.

    I erased the origianl comment on this post after asnwering ti asking for the name of the person who requested where I got the info. I found it funny someone named "anonymous" would think I would violate a relationship with someone I respect.

    Anyway, back to Satin, I'm on record many times about the complete lack of respect the Mets have showed this guy regarding his game. Josh can flat out hit, which you would think is worth something.

  8. Mack, I wasn't trying to get you to divulge your source. It just wasn't posted in the blog whether the info was from a source or an announced by the team itself.

    In any case keep doing what you do I enjoy your blog, and extensive work you do reporting what goes on day to day in the farm system.

