

Q and A: - Who's Next?

Q and A: -

Jan en marion Groot asked:

Hi Mack,

I have a question about the ratings about prospects. It is great to have a lot of great A or A+ players, but to me they are just prospects. You never know what you will get out of them. Isn’t it fair to look at AAA level first and judge a farm on that level? Based on that isn’t Chris Schwinden a better prospect then Matt Harvey? Who will the Mets call when one of the starters goes down?

Based on this what team has the best farm? And what team will benefit the most at the beginning of next year? I know a lot can happen this month with all the trades going to happen but at the moment nothing happened really.

Thanks for your answer. And keep up the good work.


Thanks Jan for the question.

Following the minors and who was next in line was a lot easier back in the day. I, as a Brooklyn Dodger fan, only had to turn my sites on Montreal.

Things have drastically changed in the AAA system. Basically, it’s home for ex-major leaguers that can be used in a utility role in case of injuries, minor league players that have reached their potential without showing enough to get over the hump, and an occasional prospect that is blocked and simply has no place else to go.

Chris Schwinden is the exception to all of this. He should be pitching AA ball, but was asked to go to Buffalo for an emergency appearance. We’re still waiting for him to stumble.

Schwinden isn’t a better prospect than Harvey; he’s just older and been around a little longer. The top prospect in baseball, Bryce Harper, was just promoted to AA ball, from A ball (two jumps) by Washington. Prospect ratings are based on both results in the past, but tools and ceiling as well.

Jan, I have no idea who has the best system. IMO, maybe Boston or Tampa Bay. I only follow the Mets.

The important thing here is the fact that the current Mets system, stocked by Omar Minaya, has been a huge success and the main reason the parent team is in a pennant race this year.


  1. Starting to think that Cory Vaugn might be the best outfield prospect in the mets' system. Other then his last few weeks in the Sally league, hes been pretty great in three levels (i know not a long time in Lucy).

  2. Got to know Cory...

    He got a little bored at the end of the Gnats gig... should have been promoted 2 weeks before but was blocked by Lucy pennant race...

    He's the real deal...

    Top...20HR/100+RBI guy - great team leader - simply loves to knock player in
