

Updated: - The Keepers - #26 - SP - Steve Matz

26. SP Steve Matz

Matz was the first player drafted by the Mets in the 2009 draft. I had him as the 97th most talented lefty available for the draft, which, if I was correct, would have put him around a 35th round pick. The Mets signed him with an $800,000 bonus and will most probably assign him to Brooklyn where all the future prospects go.

Matz lost the 2010 season to TJS.

8-31-10 interview with Matz:

Mack Ade Okay, fans, we're moving on to one of the big guns, last year's number one draft pick, Hicksville's own Steve Matz. Steve, how's everything doing out on the island?

Matz: - It's Stony Brook. Hicksville is Cam Maron. But everything is going very well out here. I have been rehabbing in Garden City at the Professional Atheltic Performance Center and my arm is coming along very well.

Mack: Stony Book, Hicksville... it's all the same to a Cold Spring Harbor guy... tell us about that wonderful day called draft day....

Matz: - Draft day was awesome. A lot of my family are big Mets fans so it was an exciting day for the whole family.

Mack: - I remember that great pic (see above) you had taken with your parents on the field at Citi Field... so... I ask this question to all the high rounders... what was the first thing you bought with the bonus money?

Matz: - The first thing I bought with my bonus was an F 150 Raptor, its a 2010 special addition Ford pick up truck.

Mack: - Ha ha... got news for ya.... 75% of all bonus babies say "truck". So, you head down to Lucy, start pitching in extended camp, and... then what happens?

Matz: - I pitched two innings, gave up a few walks, a few hits, and get out of the two innings. I was done for the day, and then, that night, every time I extend my arm my it was really tight and it got me worried. I was just hoping it was sore, and then a day and half later I try to throw a bull pen and its like nothing was on my pitches. So the pitch coach (Rick Waits) asked if something was wrong and I pointed to the spot and he sent me in to get it checked out by the trainers.

Mack: - You went under the knife... was it TJS, and, on a scale of 1-10, how's the arm now?

Matz: - Yeah. Luckily, when they went in there, everything else looked good. No bone spurs or chips or anything, and right now it feels without throwing, I would say, about an 8.5. So close to feeling normal like nothing ever happened.

Mack: - Last question Steve. I'm sure your short term goals for 2011 is to simply get back on the mound and throw your first professional pitch. My question is simple... on what Mets team do you hope to end the 2011 season with?

Matz: - I would love to play in Brooklyn. It's short season and thats just about when I'll be back. Also, it's close to home which would be awesome. It's one of the cooler places to play in the whole minor league system. Hopefully everything will go smoothly, but thats just my preference. I know the Mets have a good handle on where they put players so ultimately I'll be happy anywhere.

Mack: - Thanks Steve, and the best of everything this off-season. I'll see you in the spring in extended camp.

9-1-10: - 2011 Projection: - There's no rush here. The Mets are loaded with lower level SPs and it simply takes time to recover from TJS. The Mets have 800,000 reasons to use 2011 as a year to keep Steve on a strict pitch count. I too expect him to play Brooklyn, not because he's from New York, but the Mets will want to keep an eye on him there. Expect him back around June with a couple of weeks on the GCL squad so Rick Waits can spend some quality time with him, followed by a plane ride to Coney...

4-29-11 – I talked to Steve. His rehab is on schedule and we should see him on the Brooklyn roster come June.

5-3-11: - I talked today with former #1 pick, LHSP Steve Matz who said things are going well. His rehab from surgery continues and he hasn’t’ thrown in any kind of game yet. His tone seem to tell me that he may not make the beginning of the Cyclone season and could start off rehabbing with the GCL team. Take your time Steve. We need you healthy.

6-10-11: - I heard that ex-New York Mets first round pick SP Steve Matz, was shut down again and will begin throwing again next week. Word is that he will start the short season with the GCL mets, so he can stay in Florida and keep on his healing program. Matz is a great kid, with a Darrell Ceciliani type personality, who hasn't thrown a pitch in a professional baseball game. I first hope his health returns.

7-5-11: - I talked with Steve last night, who has been shut down for the remainder of the year. Matz, who was the Mets number one pick (72nd overall) in the 2010 draft, has been recovering from TJS and doctors have decided to take the long road on his recovery. “I was back facing hitters and it just wasn’t feeling right”, said Matz. “They told me I just need some more rest. I will hopefully throwing bullpens when the instruction leagues come around. It’s frustrating, but I’ve got to be patient.” We’re all in his corner and wish him both strength and patience through this period.

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