

Building 2012 Rosters Prospects First - Picks 16-20

#16 – OF Gilbert Gomez – Gomez is a long way off, but he’s currently benefiting from the same kind of promotion Ruben Tejada had a few years ago. The GCL and St. Lucie Mets teams share a complex and it’s much easier to ask someone to take a walk down the block rather than pay airfare from someone in Savannah, especially when there is an injury. Gomez, who was basically floundering with GCL is now holding his own with Lucy, so it will be interesting to watch his stat line for the rest of the season. Either way, I’ve got the 19-year old sticking with Lucy for the 2012 season, though I reserve the option of moving him down as this process continues. ETA: 2015

photo: Allan Greene
 #17 – SP Juan Urbina – Urbina is another of those talented raw toolzy guys that is already showing signs of development. He had a good last outing for Kingsports, but pitching at this level is all about teaching, not results. The Mets coaches will work with him to develop 3-4 plus pitchers which will be needed to make it in Queens. If not, he’s a closer in waiting. I have him finishing the year out with K-Port and going to Brooklyn on their opening day. I also look for a winter assignment here. ETA: Earliest 2015

#18 – SS Phillip Evans – I don’t think the Mets fans out there understand what a great sign this is. He’s coming out of high school as the 4th top shortstop in the draft and no one touched him because everyone was convinced he was going to college. DePodesa delivered the check and the Mets have an instant middle infield prospect. He’s a Golden Glove potential, with a bat somewhere around the Ruben Tejada level. It would be tempting to start him in Savannah next spring, but I have him in Brooklyn.

#19 – OF Vincente Lupo – You will start hearing more of this name next year. Lupo was signed by the Mets with an estimated $500-600K bonus and was the 25th best ranked prospect form Latin America. He is also considered to have plus to plus-plus raw power, but became very sick after the draft. He’s fine now and the 17-yr. old is getting his feet wet, and his strength back, for the DSL1 team. I have him a little high in 2012, starting off for K-Port. His illness may push him back to the GCL team, but, believe me, he’s coming stateside.

#20 – RP Cory Mazzoni – Mazzoni was thrown right into the fire and has produced wonderful results for St. Lucie. Yes, it’s only five outings, but it’s obvious that he will play at this level again come spring. There still is a lot of question whether the Mets will use him as a starter, but I’d leave him in the pen. He throws around 92 but has sick late movement. Great draft pick.

Rosters So Far:

Buffalo: (2) – 2B Reese Havens, SS Jordany Valdespin

Binghamton: (6) – SP: Mike Harvey, Zack Wheeler, Jeurys Familia, 3B Jefry Marte, OF Matt den Dekker, Cesar Puello

St. Lucie: (5) – RP Cory Mazzoni, 1B Wilmer Flores, 3B Aderlin Rodriguez, OF Cory Vaughn, Gilbert Gomez


Brooklyn: (4) – SP: Michael Fulmer, Juan Urbina, SS Phillip Evans, OF: Brandon Nimmo

Kingsport: (1) – OF Vincente Lupo

(we're starting to see a pattern here... it looks like both St. Lucie and Binghamton are going to have a talented team, while Savannah is pulling up the rear for top-end prospects)

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