

I May Be Wrong, But… Military Madness, Three-Day Rest, Particularly Pissy Mood Today, Mike Harvey Tonight

Military Madness
I can’t think of anything more despicable than posting avatars on Facebook accounts like “Once a Marine, Always a Marine” and never even being a veteran, no less a Marine. I was Air Force, so my biggest bitch in South East Asia was when my air conditioning broke down, but how can someone actually defend a cowardly act like this by saying “I never said I was a Marine.” Nobody… on earth… would post something like this unless they served our nation out of Parris Island, and it doesn’t take a Mets fan to figure out what the implication was. Who am I talking to? One person. 

Three Day Rest
Terry Collins keeps bringing up in post-game news conferences that he might pitch RA Dickey with only a three day rest period so he can win 20 games this year. Then, the gaggle runs down to the Dickey locker and RA tells them that he is against that and would only consider it if it was for the best of the team. Do you know what’s for the best of the team? Stop asking the stupid question and let the season fall as it, err, falls. There is only one solid, concrete thing right now in baseball. Houston will get the first pick in the draft. Just pitch your rotation every five outings and ignore the beat guys that have run out of decent questions to ask. I know I wouldn’t have anything more to ask if I was there. 

Particularly Pissy Mood Today
I’m just getting really sick of just laying around waiting for Godot. The Mets world has been quite slow and I’ve had to gut these 5-subject posts down to four just to keep up my ‘one post per two hours’ schedule. Like I’ve said in the past, I stopped being a Mets fan around five years ago, which, in my opinion, has made me a more objective Mets writer. Still, it’s tough to once again reach mid-August with very little to look forward to than what name Sandy and Company will pull out of their hat next June on day one of the draft. The interviews with the high school/college kids take up a good portion of my day (six pending right now) but I just can’t seem to get my strength back from the brown recluse bite. Stay out of the garden folks, especially if you live in the deep south.

Mike Harvey Tonight
I’m looking forward to two things today. More ‘Hell On Wheels’ videos in the mail and Mike Harvey on the mound. He told reporters last night that he intends on throwing more fastballs tonight. He can throw whatever he wants to. I also think there is an outside chance that Lucas Duda could creep himself back into town. The report yesterday was he was scratched from the game because of a dental issue, but it’s doing the Mets no good playing him at the AAA level when you’re trying to figure out if he first, survive, and then, thrive, at the major league level. Yeah, ‘Hell On Wheels’, Harvey, and Duda. Maybe Delgado will be back on first? Oops, SNY is blacking out the game here again. Fuck.

1 comment:

  1. Try I live in Virginia, and it's the only way I can see the Mets unless they play the Nats or Orioles. The premium service gives you about 720p picture quality. Don't even mess with the basic service - not worth the money. They have some glitches, but it's very watchable - graphics are crisp and motion is OK. It's better than the Extra Innings service on my cable system. At least you get to watch both teams broadcast.
