

Draft 13 - Q and A - OF - Hunter Renfroe

Mack  -  Morning everyone! We're talking with someone I am very familiar with, Mississippi State junior OF-C Hunter Renfroe. Hey, Hunter, hot enough this summer?

Hunter -  Yeah I had a great summer I saw the ball great and really looking forward to this spring
Mack  -  The first question I ask just about everyone is to take us back to that day someone first put either a bat or a ball in your hands and take us through the chapters that got you to this point in your life?

Hunter - I was probably 1 when my dad started buying plastic bats and balls and I actually started playing t-ball when I was 2.5 years old and the big changing point in my life was we were playing in a state championship when I was 11 I jumped up and robbed a home run that would have been a grand slam but in the process I landed back on top of the fence and broke my left arm in half basically and after that I didn't play baseball for almost a year and I switched schools and after that all I wanted to do was play sports and do it to the best of my ability.

Mack - You went to Copiah Academy (675th ranked nationally, 16th in state) where you dominated in your senior year (.583/.760/1.476). Looking back, do you now wish you played in a larger, higher ranked school against more competitive pitching?

Hunter  -  No, not at all. I didn't go to Copiah because of sports I went to get a great education and to have a great time in high school and baseball was just a plus. Did it have the best pitching in triple A private school? No but I believe that if I went to say a public school I would have hit even more homeruns because they would actually pitch to me. I got walked I think 68 times in my senior

Mack  - (Good answer about the education) Hunter, congrats on having your summer league team, the Bethesda Big Train, retire your number. Was this expected or did it catch you off-guard?

Hunter - It was completely a surprise I had no idea and they invited my parents up and they surprised me at the ceremony

Mack - Look, your college career speaks for itself so far. What are you concentrating on this summer to maximize your junior year?

Hunter - My pitch selection.  I am a very good fastball hitter and off speed hitter I just didn't show it last year because I was chasing balls that were out of the zone so I tried focusing on that and this summer it has paid off I didn’t strike out swinging but just a few times so I was really excited about the big jump in seeing the ball this summer

Mack - Hunter, thank you. We'll check back with you halfway through the season and see how things are going for you. Thanks again, stay strong, and God bless

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