

Mack's Mets Re-Opens

I have re-opened Mack's Mets.

My health problems are in check and I should be able to post here, first on a limited basis.

I have been posting a weekly post over at and I thank Brian Joura for allowing me to do that. I also have been engaging in the comment section there and, frankly, I miss the intelligent side of comments from adult fans.

We're not going to have any of the inane "what if" and "let's trade for" posts that other sites try and entertain the kids out there. This is a site for adult Mets fans that want to discuss what the Mets have already done or a reasonable approach to the future.

I'll open the comments section until the haters come back. Please join the site so we can avoid all that dribble.  IMPORTANT - I can't seem to get the comments back on. I've checked on the applicable buttons on Blogspot, but it isn't working. I've contacted them in hopes of some support but, if anyone can help me here, please email me at the address below.

For now, I will post up a "I Might Be Wrong, But..." post tomorrow. Monday, I'll have an analysis of the 2007 draft.

Attention ex-MMs writers - please contact me at:: if you'd like back in.

Love questions for a "Q and A" post:
