

Draft 13 - NYM 1st Rd. (11 overall) Pick - 1B - Dominic Smith

Dominic Smith – 1B -

Mack - Hey folks! We're talking today with Dominic Smith, one of the top first base prospects (Mack's Mets mock currently has him as the 18th overall pick in the 2013 draft) who comes to us out of Serra High School, California. Hey Dominic (is it Dom?)... how are things out on the coast?

Dominic - Things out here on the coast are great! The weather is great, the ball is great, everything is great and I really can't complain. I wouldn't trade this to be anywhere else in the world.

Mack – The first question is basically the same one I ask everyone. Take us back to the first time someone placed a baseball in your hand and walk us through the levels to where you are now.

Dominic - Growing up I played a lot of basketball. I played basketball starting at the age of four4 and that was all I really played. Around the age of seven my mother asked me if I wanted to try a new sport ; baseball and ever since then I fell in love with it. I dropped basketball and focused on baseball. I was a blessed and lucky kid because baseball came easy to me. It wasn't hard for me to grasp different aspects of the game, and it was just fun, point blank period!

Mack – Are you strictly a first baseman at this point in your young career or have you played other positions last year?

Dominic - Well I play a fair amount of time in the OF and that's where I will be mostly in the next three big events in Area Codes, Perfect Game All American Classic, and Under Armor All American game. I got my speed down to a 6.8 and scouts want to see my arm utilized in the OF as well. So hopefully I can keep improving on my tool so I can be a 5 tool prospect.

Mack – See, that’s why we can’t rely in the field on the crap they give us on paper. For the sake of accuracy, should we list you now as an outfielder, or is first still your primary position?

Dominic - Honestly I just like to hit, but you can list me as whatever you think will make my stock go up higher which I believe is OF.

Mack – Last question before we let you get back to your summer (we’ll check back with you during the season).

Dominic - I believe I have had a pretty good summer so far. I played well in Minnesota for nationals, and I carried that on to Georgia for east Cobb and tore it up! Now I just want to finish August off strong because these are some big events coming up. For the season I'm going to prepare like I always do, get stronger and faster. A lot of strength and conditioning so I can be in pretty good shape!

Mack – Thank you, D…  we’ll check back with you soon.

From Keith Law:

Smith is one of the best pure hitters in the high school class, showing a smooth left-handed swing with power and a plus glove at first base. When he keeps his weight back, his swing is outstanding, with great balance through contact and good hip rotation to generate power from his legs. He has quick, strong wrists, with a projectable body that should lead to very hard contact when he fills out in three or four years. He can drift forward at the plate too early, getting his weight out over his front side before he's started his hands, losing power and struggling to control the bat head behind him. His stride is long and early, which may be part of the reason for his trouble staying back but is an easy fix in pro ball.

Smith is an excellent defender at first with a 70 arm, hitting 92 off the mound the one time I saw him pitch, albeit with a rough delivery. He doesn't show a lot of energy on the field, which has positive aspects (he's a confident, relaxed hitter) and negative ones (some scouts have questioned the effort level, myself included), but there are no serious concerns about his makeup. In this draft, with so few potential impact bats, he's a clear top 20 talent. ... inic-smith

Churchill quote - Smith offers a strong hit tool and future power and the Mets clearly went best player rather than need or an attempt to save a significant amount of cash under MLB's recommended bonus for later picks. This could also signify the club's long-term plans at the big-league level, possibly including an active free-agent winter.

greg schaum  @ Greg_Schaum
Dom Smith might end up being the best bat In this draft. High character guy who can swing it, pick it, and throw it.

Aaron Fitt  ‏ @ aaronfitt
Every SoCal scout I know loves Dominic Smith -- really special makeup, special swing, plus defender. # Mets fans will love him.

 Aaron Fitt ‏ @ aaronfitt
@ pablopubes I asked scouts about that, because it's not a typical profile, but nobody is concerned b/c he does have legit bat speed & pop. (re: his size)

 Jessica Quiroli ‏ @ heelsonthefield
1B Dominic Smith was all over the place on draft boards. Awesome pick for the Mets. # MLBDraft

John Manuel ‏ @ johnmanuelba
Had a scout comp Dom Smith to Adrian Gonzalez. that would be pretty sweet value at No. 11 # Mets # mlbdraft

Jim Callis Jim Callis ‏ @ jimcallisBA
As you just heard on @ MLBNetwork, I think # Mets got a very nice bat at 11 in Dominic Smith. # mlbdraft

JIM BOWDEN ‏ @ JimBowdenESPNxm
Dominick Smith bat reminds me of David Ortiz when he was a kid and his defense reminds me of Adrian Gonzalez

Gardena, Calif., product Dominic Smith is one of the more intriguing prospects in the 2013 MLB First-Year Player Draft. Smith projects as a future first baseman, but has the athleticism to play in the outfield and can hit upwards of 92 miles per hour as a left-handed pitcher.
Smith flashes a plus-glove at first base, but placing him there won't take advantage of what is a very strong arm. Still, evaluators believe the combination of Smith's body type and relative lack of speed could compromise any future he might have as an outfielder.
Either way, Smith's main strength is his bat, which has a chance to be good enough to profile anywhere on the diamond. His one real weakness -- getting out on his front foot -- might be directly related to a long stride, which can be tweaked with the type of coaching he'd get as a pro.
Smith is committed to Southern California, but he isn't considered a signability problem. - LINK

Showed outstanding hitting ability with power @ PG National, Game looks easy to him, Very good at all WWBA events and PG AA Game Also a top prospect on mound 90-92 mph LHP - LINK

Smith looks like a future star. He will likely be a corner outfielder early in his career, then migrate to first base at some point as he gets older and loses mobility. His size and potential remind me a little of Astros prospect Jonathan Singleton. He has a fall back option of the mound but I really don’t think that will ever need to be considered with the way he swings the bat. He could be a top 10 pick in the draft and should go in the top 15 for sure. If he doesn't sign, he is committed to Southern California. LINK   

Smith ranks high for his bat, with good hitting ability and power. He needs that, since his best position is first base, an offense first position. He’s a two-way player, but has better upside as a hitter. He doesn’t have the typical power hitter’s body due to his height. The power took a big jump during his junior year in high school, and he could secure his spot in the top half of the draft with similar hitting and power numbers this year. It’s a bit of a risk drafting a first baseman with a high pick. You’re gambling on the bat, with no fallback if the bat struggles. By comparison, a catcher or a shortstop could make up for struggles at the plate with their defensive skills. Because of this, Smith is going to have to live up to his reputation as one of the top hitters in the draft to be worth a pick in the top half. LINK  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great kid. I hope the bat turns out to be what we hope.

    I like the pick and fits into the kind of player Sandy's been going for.

    Best of luck, DS!
