

'The War Room' - The DH and Starling Marte

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The Commish was asked earlier this month if he thought there ever would be any changes regarding the two leagues having separate policies regarding the DH.

He played cute and said you never know...  things can always change.

What's your spin on this?

And from Michael Scannell -
So, I listened to a recent podcast on Metsblog with Cerrone and Cartiglia.  One of the things they said they had heard was that a lot of teams have interest in Ike Davis, not as a centerpiece necessarily but as a guy who could turn it around in a new situation.


The other piece of news that has come out is that the Pirates want to re-sign Marlon Byrd.  To me, this means they'll be giving him a multi-year contract if they hope to keep him off the market.  That would make the Pirates' outfield Marte, McCutcheon, and Byrd.  They also have Gregory Polanco ready to hit the bigs sometime in 2014 and top prospects Josh Bell and Austin Meadows following up behind.


This got me thinking about the possible availability of Starling Marte.  Polanco brings a lot of what Marte does and projects (by some) to have a higher ceiling.  We know the Mets had interest in Marte because they requested him and Brad Lincoln in return for Ike Davis in 2011 when Pittsburgh wanted him.


I thought maybe it was time to revisit that deal, this time of course with the tables turned in Pittsburgh's favor.  If they're willing to move Marte and would take a chance on Davis, would it make sense to move Davis and prospects for Marte?  He could play LF or CF and instantly hit leadoff for the Mets.  Maybe Davis turns it around, maybe he doesn't, but this way someone else takes the risk on him while the Mets add a building block (cheaply too) for now and the future.


  1. Why would Byrd take the first offer he got?

    He'll test the market. A lot of teams are out there looking for RF help.

  2. I believe that there should be a constitutional amendment outlawing astroturf and the designated hitter
    -Crash Davis

  3. Morning Jonah.

    Re: DH - I don't see it happening in the NL. This was a random question asked the Commish who gave a cute answer. The DL is what keeps these two divisions different and I like it that way.

    Regarding Byrd, Marte, and Davis... somebody has to be the first person to sign a deal an Byrd might be the guy. I don't expect him to have a large market outside of Pittsburgh and the Mets.

    I can't think of him having a better season than he already has had for the Mets. I'd like to sign someone else who has a little more shelf life.

    Marte could be the Mets LFer for 10 years. His first arbitration year will be 2016. The Mets have the young pitching to get this deal done if they choose to.

  4. Despite the 138 Ks he still got on base at a .343 clip and pilfered 41 bases. It looks like he's a work in progress -- pitch selection, knowing how/when to steal, but with more power and at only age 23 I'd certainly be open to making him a leadoff hitter for the next decade. I think it would take something like Ike Davis plus a pitching prospect or two not named Thor or Montero to get the Pirates to even take the call. Even then I don't know if it's enough to get it done. Why would Pittsburgh want to deal him?

  5. Well, Pittsburgh probably doesn't want to deal him, but they are a limited revue team no matter how exciting 2013 was.

    Andrew McCutchen is tied up through 2017 and Jose Tabata is signed through 2016 and will most probably be resigned to an extension. There simply will be no place for Marte to play for two years if Byrd is signed.

    You do have to wonder why the Pirates think Byrd is a better player to bet on in 2014-2015 than Marte.

  6. If the Pirates sign Byrd...then Tabata would be the odd man out.

  7. Until Polanco is ready, maybe as soon as April.

    Byrd takes the deal because his market is limited.

    It's not that the Pirates would be desperate to deal Marte, just that they have the depth to use him to fill other needs.

  8. I think the DH in the National League would be terrible. I love the strategy and thinking that the National League requires of managers and think it would be a travesty and a cop out if the National League had a DH.

    I think that Starling Marte would be a tremendous target for the Mets but I just do not see the Pirates trading him. He proved a valuable piece on a playoff team who is young and cheap. I imagine if they did make Marte available, the price would be sky high.

  9. I agree with Craig. If they sign Byrd, Tabata is more expendable than Marte. Marte is younger, faster, has more pop, is a better bat and a better glove than Tabata. Why in the world would they consider trading Marte? He could be their leadoff hitter for the next 10 years too. I think we have to focus on resigning Byrd.

    Regarding the DH, I say "Vive la difference!"

  10. Interesting Who MLBtraderumours have the Mets, signing ?
    I agree with Arroyo and Drew.
    Not sure about Halladay.
    But would hate to see Granderson in a Mets uniform.
    What do you guys think??

  11. Interesting is putting it mildly. They have the Mets spending over $40 million in 2014 salaries for just those 4 free agents.

    Arroyo would be fine, although I think the Mets could get as much for less by signing Kazmir.

    Drew would also be fine in Flushing, but I think the QO that Boston will offer him could put a damper on signing him. I believe it is more likely that Sandy trades for a SS.

    I could live with Granderson, but will the Mets really go 3/$35 for him? He is a superior fielder, which is a plus, and if he hits .260-25-90 I'm good with him. Why would you hate to see him in orange and blue? We still need another corner outfielder. David Murphy?

    Halliday is worth taking a flyer on as a 5th starter, so long as we also resign Matsuzaka and/or Harang.

  12. Oops, typo. Should say "will the Mets really go 3/$45 for him?"

  13. Well, as I said, it's not my money and it's refreshing to see all these aggressive Mets FA moves being predicted. First Lennon and now MLBTR, two organizations that know there shit in this area.

    Are we about to be swept off our feet?
