

Comment Problems

I need a favor...

We're trying to figure out if there are still any problems on the site that are preventing some of you from leaving comments to our posts.

If there are...

             please mail me at:

I will compile them and send the list to our 'tech squad' (actually Soto when he has the time) and we'll keep working on this.

Thanks for putting up with us and keep reading.


  1. Seems easy enough to post, Mack. I have to remember to REMOVE the check for posting on Facebook, which I don't want to do. and that requirement is a slight annoyance.

    ..And any way to have the comments in black font rather than red? Just easier on 70 yr old eyes.

  2. Bill Metsiac is unable to post using 'Bill Metsiac' instead of his real name... you seem to have figures that out or was 'Hobie' just listed there?

  3. "Hobie (Google)" was the default choice... thankfully.
