

2014 Winter Leagues: 11/30/2014 Results

Venezuelan Winter League
- Caribes de Anzoategui 3 - 5 Tiburones de La Guaira
- Tigres de Aragua 3 - 2 Aguilas del Zulia
- Leones del Caracas 1 - 2 Cardenales de Lara
- Navegantes del Magallanes 3 - 4 Bravos de Margarita
  • SS Wilfredo Tovar: 0 for 2
  • SS Wilmer Flores: 0 for 1, K
Side Note: SS Wilmer Flores has left the Barwis fitness camp and has been added to the Bravos de Margarita roster.

Opinion: I find it very interesting and telling that Flores joined the same team as Wilfredo Tovar. Tovar is regarded as the best defensive SS the Mets have in the upper levels of the minor league system so spending some time with him in the comforts of the low stress Winter Leagues can only be good for Flores. This continues to show the wonderful work ethic that Flores has that makes him so much more desirable than Ruben Tejada.

Mexican Pacific League
- Caneros de los Mochis 6 - 0 Charros de Jalisco
- Aguilas de Mexicali 2 - 4 Venados de Mazatlan
- Tomateros de Culiacan 4 - 5 Naranjeros de Hermosillo
- Yaquis de Obregon 7 - 4 Mayos de Navojoa

 Dominican Winter League
- Gigantes del Cibao 9 - 1 Estrellas de Oriente
- Tigres del Licey 3 - 4 Aguilas Cibaenas
- Toros del Este 5 - 0 Leones del Escogido
  • PR/RF Cesar Puello: Pinch Ran for Eugenio Velez

Roberto Clemente Puerto Rican League
- Criollos de Caguas 6 - 2 Indios de Mayaguez
  • PH Johnny Monell: 0 for 1, R, RBI
  • 2B T.J. Rivera: 1 for 4
- Senadores de San Juan 5 - 2 Cangrejeros de Santurce


  1. Considering how Eric Young, Jr. became (thankfully) the invisible man to accompany his paltry stats (other than baserunning) makes me wonder if Cesar Puello can do the same at minimum wage? He once had 47 SBs in a minor league season and when I saw him play in AAA he could absolutely fly on the basepaths.

  2. @Reese

    That most certainly is possible....although the club already has speed on the bench with Matt den Dekker.

  3. Just having Puello as a lefty / righty alternate to Dekker works for me. I think Cesar can hit major league lefties at his present skill level - his other superior attributes in defense and speed make him an OK 5th OF.

    We'd be losing speed with the exit of EY Jr, so Puello would replace that 100%.

    I believe Dekker could start, so having him as a pretty active 4th OF would not require us to use Puello much, if and until he showed he was up to being used more.

  4. I think it will come down to Kirk & Cesar for the 5th OF slot (den D is #4) TBD at the end of ST. Loser gets DFA'd.

    If Cesar has a decent ST (not necessarily overwhelming) he gets the nod IMO. RHB who hits lefties, speed arm, etc. It's put up or shut up for him.

    1. I think they might approach the backup OF a little different than above (barring 0 for spring from someone) Puello and Kirk are the 24th and 25th men on the roster coming out of spring and they use their last option on MDD. I think it is just a little too early to cut bait with a 23 yr old Puello and since he would be the 25th man and actually profiles at one of their needs (RH pop, speed and defense off the bench), so I think he has one final shot before a DFA and that is the month of April and maybe May. If Puello flops, Castellanos (who signed a minor league contract) comes up to replace him and Puello might have a better chance of clearing waivers if he flops. If he succeeds, great addition and if he flops, chances are better that you can get him to Vegas. I would also like to see Kirk get one more look as a backup OF because I think he might actually have secondary value in a trade package, when Gee or Colon go in early May. If he does well, you keep him and let MDD continue to beat up PCL pitching to increase his value as a CF. They have decent options internally for the backup OF and since we are talking utility players, chances can be given to guys like Puello and Kirk, while MDD and Castellanos prepare as Vegas understudies.
      Anon Joe F
