

Positional Ranking - 3B

#8 Mets

David Wright560.275.346.425.33812.5-
Daniel Murphy  70.282.321.398.3170.40.1-1.00.2
Eric Campbell70.243.319.349.302-0.40.0-0.10.2

Last season was the first time in David Wright’s 11-year career that he failed to reach double digit home runs. His 1.7 WAR was the first time he had ever qualified for the batting title and failed to produce three wins. David Wright has had a fantastic career with his 51.9 WAR eighth among active players and second to Miguel Cabrera for players under the age of 35. The 32-year-old lifetime Met has had to endure questions about his decline before and bounced back. A 1.8-win season in 2011 culminated a three-year run where he averaged under three wins per season. Wright rebounded with a wRC+ of 142 and 156 in 2012 and 2013 on the way to 6+-win seasons.

The projections split the difference between Wright’s subpar 2014 and the great seasons that preceded it. It becomes more difficult to recapture lost skills as he moves through his 30s. Daniel Murphy figures to get a few games worth of plate appearances from third base, where he should provide Wright’s 2014 statistics while Wright tries to get 2013 back.

Mack - I still can't believe David Wright is 32 years old.

I'm going to write off last year as a hiccup. He needs to prove to me that he can't hack it two years in a row.

A bad Wright is still probably anything better than this organization could put on the corner this year... still, I think he's done the proper rehab to return to a decent enough of a return. Maybe not the killer numbers when he was in his early 20's, but homers in the 25 range and a batting average over  .275.

1 comment:

  1. I'd have liked the Mets to have moved CF fences in to 402, then I'd have speculated that Wright could have returned to the 30 HR CLUB this yr.

    David's looking good. I'd prefer he not dive head first unless a game is on the line, to protect the shoulder.
