



As Met fans focus on Harvey, Jake and the boys as they open what I believe will be a wildly successful season, other nerds like me multi-task, scanning to far-off places like Vegas, Binghamton, St Lucie, and Savannah (which rhymes with banana, a useful piece of info).

So I'd like to preview the top 2 teams this week, starting with the Las Vegas 51s, which opens its season on the evening of April 9.

A few weeks ago, I thought .700 ball was possible from these guys, what with superior pitching, fine hitting, and such.

I was thinking Matt den Dekker and Cesar Puello would be part of the outfield and Cory Mazzoni part of the rotation.  Two are gone, with Puello clearing waivers and staying in Vegas.  

Also, when the Cubs sent Kris Bryant, Addison Russell, and Baez down, the Cubs affiliate poses a major challenge to any .700 winning %, obviously.

Of course, predicting a winning % pre-season is nuts for the minors anyway, given that promotions can be both numerous and unpredictable, timing-wise.  So I won't try.  But they will be way over .500.
This team almost has to post superior results.  Any AAA team starting Noah Syndergaard, Steve Matz, Matt Bowman, and Tyler Pill has to rock.   Presumably, Eric Goeddel and/or Darin Gorski round out the starters.  Real impressive overall.
I also think a AAA pen with the likes of Jack Leathersich and Zach Thornton, along with Chase Bradford, Jeff Walters, Cody Satterwhite, Scott Rice, and Duane Below promises strong results.

Offense rocks:

The 51s far outscored the rest of PCL teams last year.  Vegas may do so again in 2015.
A fair country catcher named Kevin Plawecki is behind the dish – until he gets promoted or traded – he’s pretty much ready now.  Oh, and another fair country catcher, Johnny Monell (who I thought deserved the back up catcher role for the Mets based on a great spring) will split time with him. I am sure some major league teams' catching does not measure up to these 2 right now.

Infield?  How about Dilson Herrera, Matt Reynolds, Danny Muno, Eric Campbell, and Brandon Allen?  AAA pitchers will have sleepless nights pondering that.  Pretty lethal.

Outfield?  Solid but not as spectacular.  I believe (not sure) that Puello will be on the team (*), and joined by slugging Travis Taijeron (c’mon, man, I know it’s asking too much, but please figure out how to be the next slugging Chris Davis).  Add in struggling Cory Vaughn, solid Darrell Ceciliani, and veteran minor leaguer Alex Castellanos and it’s a pretty substantial outfield.

* - Puello amazingly was examined, has signs of the beginning of a stress fracture in his back, and is put on the DL, while at the same time accruing major league experience and getting paid the major league minimum?  It pays to get hurt!  Hopefully it is a straightforward injury and he'll be back soon.

Great starting pitching, solid pen, ridiculously talented infield, and solid outfield with pop.

As things look today, a lot of games will be won by this 51s team.  A lot more than 51%.

1 comment:

  1. The 51s are so good, Eric Goeddel gets promoted and the 51s have not even started their season yet LOL
