



What about those Nats?  Not a lot of research here, just some random thoughts.  So how do our nemeses in DC look, after picking up Matt den Dekker?
Let's see:
Carlos Rendon has a sprained MCL and been out for 3 weeks, and has gone to see Dr. Andrews.  Could be big trouble in DC.

Not so good.  5.5 games behind the Mets this spring, and for good reason.  Several, actually.

Besides Rendon, Span and Werth will also not be ready for opening day.  Werth is supposedly fairly close.  But will he be in mid-season form when he returns?

Scherzer, Zimmerman, and Gonzalez doing very well.  Combined 1.83 ERA in 59 innings.

But Fister has a 7.02 ERA, with 26 hits in 16 2/3.  Strasburg is 5.59 in 9 2/3 innings.  Tanner Roark 9.53 in 11.1 innings.  That’s a lot of ugly.

Mets, on the other hand, are hitting like thunder, pitching like the other Sandy used to, and winning almost daily. 

Nats, IMO, are ready to be exceeded by a superior Mets team.


  1. The previously effective Zimmerman got hammered by Marlins today - 3 innings, 8 runs :)

  2. But to your point, I think the Nats have more problems than people realize. They're still the class in the NL imo but I don't think it's as clear cut as it was before.

    I also think the Marlins are chronically overrated. With the Mets beating up on the Phillies and Braves (hopefully), I really think this is a year the Mets could sneak into the playoffs.

    I am angry at the Dillon Gee decision, though. However, I think it could be a short term thing and they are still exploring trade options for him.

  3. Rendon has bad knee. Will know soon if it is a big problem, but starting season on DL.

    Gee has done well, but Montero deserves it more. Shame because even if Gee gets traded during season, Matz and Thor will compete with Montero for rotation spot later.

  4. Matt Reynolds 2 for 2, 3 RBIs today. Hitting .400. Is he a future star? All he does is hit.

  5. I think he's earned a spot on the roster especially if Murphy is done. I think he'll be a serviceable utility player with enough bat and versatility to perform well in longer stretches when the injury bug hits other players. A star? I doubt it. A valuable piece? Absolutely.

  6. The Mets have been doing great this spring but I agree, this conservatism in making the last choices may come back to bite them. Go with the energetic hot youngsters - they're much more likely to win.

    Personally, I would actually prefer a rotation of Harvey, DeGrom, Niese, Gee and Montero. It's Bart Colon who for me is the weakest link. I know there's no chance they're going to dump his $10m but if they really want to maximise the chance to win, that's what they should do. Stop being conservative losers, be aggressive winners!

  7. Hey, London Mets, if I'm the Mets, I get Reynolds in there til Murphy comes back, and as far as Colon is concerned, if he starts 0-4 with a 5.00 ERA, he will get bumped. No tolerance this year for non-performers. Pennant to win.

  8. Hey Stephen, a lot we don't see behind the scene. I read the Mets believe, for instance, that Lagares is an emerging OFFENSIVE star. Nothing I've seen of Reynolds causes me to think his ceiling isn't higher than the "strong utility guy" most people peg him at, which is still higher than a lot of folks pegged him at last year when he was hitting .350 at mid-season in AA.

    I am starting to think Reynolds' ceiling is higher than Daniel Murphy's. Hope I am right.

  9. Thomas Brennan: For a long time I thought you were crazy. Then I saw you as a cockeyed optimist. And now I'm wondering if you just might be right.

    I'm not fully there yet, but there's a lot to feel good about out there, including management's willingness to trade for two relievers to bolster a worrying bullpen.

    Let's go Mets.

    James Preller

  10. James, I just hope I am not on a lucky streak. I just try to not look at top level info, like a Muno's season #'s, without also looking at trends.

    I try not to jump to a positive - I was just starting to put my toes back into the water on Kirk, now he looks like the same old marginal guy the past few weeks.

    With Reynolds last year, I was waiting for his hot streak to end - and it actually did for a handful of games after a few weeks in Vegas. Then I saw him roar back and add some power and that's when I started to think he could really be something, rather than a red-hot guy who might cool off and falter. That said, Reynolds continues to surprise me in good ways.

    Even Conforto today - his rep as a weak defensive OF seems to be getting refuted in press release out today, so that is something I'll keep in mind.

    Lastly, I killed Grandy all year last year, but he was sent to Coach Long's repair shop and is purring like a Ferrari, but importantly with very few Ks - if he has another crappy year in 2015, I'll be stunned. So I'm on the grandy bandwagon.

  11. Thomas, I don't think you've been proven right about anything yet. I've always followed minor leaguers, but I keep my enthusiasm in check. They've got to do it in the majors or it's meaningless, and so many of these guys flame out.

    We're all still waiting for Victor Diaz.

  12. That's true, James. I just like to get excited in anticipation they'll hopefully do well, rather than hold it in check until they do, realizing not all will.

    The reality is there is only so many significant roles for guys like Reynolds. I'd have hated to be stuck behind Jeter. and the other reality is that if guys you are pumped about fail, it could take the whole season down with them.

    But there are hopefully enough Jake deGroms and Juan L's of the world to hopefully offset the Victor Diaz types.
