

The Morning Report 5.6.2015 | Flores Bounces Back, Rehab Assignment near for Wright, Haters Gonna Hate on Colon

Mike Vorkunov | NJ Advance- Wilmer Flores returned to the Mets lineup Tuesday night, reinvigorated by a three-day break and in form again. He went 1-for-3 with a double and, most importantly for the Mets, he did not commit an error at shortstop in the Mets 3-2 win over the Orioles. "He looked a lot better out there," manager Terry Collins said. "Those are great questions for Wilmer. He's got a long way to go and he's going to be a big part of this. If we can get him to just relax and play like we know he can, this guy is going to put up some big numbers offensively."

(Chris Soto: It was a nice 3 day break for Flores to re-charge and calm himself down after he received votes of confidence from the front office, his manager, and the unnamed assistant captain, Michael Cuddyer. Slumps are going to happen, that's why they are part of the game; It's how you respond when you are in a slump that defines the type of player you are.)

David Hong | Metsmerized Online- David Wright’s expected return was pushed back from this week to next week as he continues to recover from the strained right hamstring he suffered early in the season that landed him on the DL. This week he will run the bases and could play in a Minor League game as early as this weekend, according to Mets manager Terry Collins. There is no specific date for Wright’s return but Collins said that David is making progress and that he was “very upbeat.” “Certainly he felt better today than at any other time in his rehab process,” said Collins. “He’s moving in the right direction now. He’s starting to speed things up, and that’s a good sign.”

(Chris Soto: Slow and steady Dubz...Keep it slow and steady. The team is still in 1st place, we have a 4 game lead, and so far [outside of the Nationals series] the offense is doing enough to support the starting rotation and earning them wins. When Wright does finally return, he'll be energized, rested, and hopefully will provide a spark during a 20 day, 20 game stretch when they will need him most.)

Joe Trezza | Baltimore manager Buck Showalter went on a New York-based talk radio show genuinely sounding scared of Bartolo Colon. "For our sake, I hope he's not on tonight." If all this sounds comic-booky, it's because Colon is becoming an ultimate character. Entertaining at the plate, dominant on the mound. His starts rarely fail to provide both humor and awe. For opponents, no pitcher inspires more frustration while looking less formidable. He has now thrown 34 1/3 straight innings without walking a batter after providing another 7 2/3 pinpoint frames Tuesday. Colon was economical, needing just 97 pitches to improve to 5-1, which is tied for the Major League lead in wins. His ERA is 2.90. His walk rate, almost nonexistent. In fact, he's only walked one batter all season in six starts.

(Chris Soto: What more can we say about Bartolo Colon? He had so many unwarranted detractors this past off-season citing his 4.00+ ERA, his age, weight, and his "unsexy" style of pitching. And you know what, they were all fools. This is what happens when you have superb control and can paint the corners at will. You generate weak contact and strike-outs looking. Colon's K:BB ratio, which was amongst the top 15 in the MLB last season, is once again the best in baseball at a ridiculous 34:1!)


  1. With Colon, we were all dying to see the young kids called up, and hence the call to move him out. His ERA last year was boosted by a few bad outings, but he won 15 for a weK hitting team. Glad to have him now.

    He is remarkable, a real craftsman.

    I hope Flores surges. I am leery of calling up a guy like Reynolds who most likely would have some period of adjustment. Flores is been under the kleig lights of scrutiny already - so let's roll, Wilmer. Real nice bullet throw to first to get Adam Jones on a clise play.

    We're 17-10. Nice. Time for Jake to get us rolling on another win streak tonight.

  2. Tom -

    Good morning.

    It will be interesting to see how the Mets handle Colon as the year goes on (and ends).

    What if this guy ends the season in the 17-5 range and leads this team into the playoffs?

    Do you offer him a 2016 contract even with all the young pitching scheduled to be ready?

  3. I'd not offer him a contract for next year. Unless there are more injuries, kids will be ripe and raring to go on opening day least as it looks now. Colon would block their development.

    I remember 2 other guys who were great past 40....Carlton and Spahn...until they suddenly weren't any good at all.

  4. If I got something really good back for Colon I would consider trading him. Just like when we traded Dickey you have an older player that could probably help this organization out when they are retired by bringing back some good young talent.
    I think we have more than viable options to take his place and fill out this rotation.

  5. I was pushing as hard as anyone to get Colon traded before the season started. He has been remarkable this year and I'll eat my crow on that one. Either way, someone needs to go for Matz/Montero/Thor and it looks like Gee is probably the best guy to replace.

    Hopefully Dilson gets his feet under him soon, not going to win the job from Murphy playing this way. Delay of Wright gives him some more time.

  6. Tom -

    Here's what Mets fans have to deal with this year regarding their rotation.

    You can't break this up if it continues to produce a first place team and the 3rd lowest ERA in the league, you simply need to leave both Syndergaard and Matz at the AAA level to await a 2016 debut (minus any spot starts that are needed this year)

  7. Dallas -

    I'm not concerned with the short term growth of Herrera nor am I expecting much out of him...

    the important thing is the continued return THIS season of Murphy's bat

  8. Have not focused on fence depth. Saw Duda's shot to left center get robbed by Jones. Flores double off the w all. Fences are too deep by 5 feet. 17 homers in 27 games still attests to that. No cheapies still in Citifield.

  9. Tom -

    You can't keep moving the fences in. Two teams play in every game. The Mets need better hitters not shorter fences.

  10. Nope,Mack, I am a realist. Those fences will never be moved again...just being wistful.

  11. Christopher:

    >> What more can we say about Bartolo Colon? He had so many unwarranted detractors this past off-season citing his 4.00+ ERA, his age, weight, and his "unsexy" style of pitching. And you know what, they were all fools. <<

    Maybe this was posted as a joke, in which case, I guess I missed it. Because this struck me as arrogant and offensive. I'll tell you why:

    First, you intentionally omit the #1 criticism of Colon, and that's the $11 million contract. In the context of the Mets resources (both player and financial), much of the criticism landed in that area. A thought that the money could have been spent elsewhere more effectively.

    Secondly, you set up a straw man argument, belittling nameless people who for unspecific criticisms. Was their really a lot of folks writing about his "unsexy" pitching style?

    Coming off a 4.00 ERA in 2014, it was (and continues to be) a realistic, defensible belief that the 42-year-old pitcher could likely regress. Maybe he won't, maybe he'll improve upon his 2013 season with the Oakland A's.

    In the land of baseball opinion, we are all right and we are all wrong, many times over. Some folks may be more insightful than others, but overall we are ALL WRONG many, many times. Before crowing and pounding your chest, it's worth keeping that fact in mind. And that also, at least wait until more than 1/6th of the season is in the books.

    In 2015, Bartolo has been spectacular, joyful, terrific. I would take great pleasure in seeing his season continue to be this good. There's a long way to go, we'll see what happens.

    I'll never believe that he had to be signed for two years. Not with the pitching already in the system, not with the deficiencies on the field. I wished that money were used elsewhere and Syndergaard, Montero, or Matz used to fill his spot.

    All the good things you can say about Colon's performance in 2015 are true, but that doesn't make his detractors "fools." I'm actually sorry to read that sort of comment here on this sight, Mack's Mets, a place now dominated by lesser voices.

    James Preller

  12. James -

    I'm sorry you are unhappy with Mack's Mets and feel that the quality of the site has been reduced.

    Things that are said on Mack's Mets, both in posts and comments by writer, are just opinions. I don't think Chris was trying to be arrogant or offensive.

    He's just trying to give me some relief Mon-Thur on producing the Morning Report so I can sleep late from all the pain medication I have to take.

    James, I always liked your writing on your old site, and you should be the first person to realize everything you say isn't going to make everyone happy.

    That being said, please don't insult ME and my site. The guys that currently write here are doing the best they can while they are also trying to keep their own lives in order.

    Regarding the quality of the site... I want to remind you that I emailed you twice when your site was closed and asked you to join Mack's Mets as a writer. You didn't even have the decency of answering the emails.

    You're welcome to argue with anyone on this site through the comment process, but you are NOT welcome to put down what we all do here to, hopefully, bring entertainment to YOU and other Mets fans.

  13. I've found in life to try to be positive and respectful. It makes for less strife long term, most of the time.

    That said, I sW several innings of Colon at work last night and thought he w A s almost Greg Maddux-like, if not in appearance, then certainly in precise location, great movement, and smartly setting up hhitters.

    EVERY pitcher in the minors should get a copy of the video of his game last night and watch his unflappable mastery. I was down on him last year when he surrendered a lot of homers for a while, but he is simply amazing.

  14. I was a big supporter of the Colon signing, (still am) but I also understand the criticisms voiced by very intelligent baseball fans on this site and the late, great “2 Guys”. The criticisms were NOT “unwarranted” and certainly those folks are not fools by any stretch. Lots of money for an aging ballplayer who will not really fill an immediate weakness. Tough to argue with that. I also get where Chris is coming from, but people do pick up the nuance or lack thereof.

  15. Afternoon guys...

    I sincerely apologize for my poor choice of words today.

    I usually am far more even keeled with statements and provide factual statistical analysis to back any of my personal comments.

    Unfortunately today I was running late with the Morning Report (It's month end close here in the office.) and took a cheap shot at Colon detractors rather than emphasizing the statistical standpoint.

    My bad folks...there was no ill will intended towards any of the readers of our site.
