

The Morning Report 6.18.2015 | Team Identity, Akeel Morris Just Not Ready, Murphy on the Mend

Michael Baron | Just MetsThe Mets are 40 percent through their regular season schedule, having won 36 of their first 66 games with 96 games remaining. But since they started their season 13-3, the club has gone 23-27 in 50 games since. The Mets are obviously not an .812 team, but they’re probably not a .460 team, either. The question is, who, or what are the Mets? Perhaps the Mets are more like the 86-76 record they’ve posted over their last 162 games. Good enough to make some noise, but not quite good enough to push through the wall to the playoffs this season. Maybe they’re the team that’s on pace for 88 wins in 2015, which may be just enough to earn a playoff berth in this tremendously uninspiring National League East.

(Chris Soto: What we have seen over the past few days is what the Mets are...A team that, when pitching well, can win games at a 65% clip. However, when the SP is not there, they are going to have a hard time competing. The team was in the game yesterday but Akeel Morris was not ready for the big time and allowed the game to get out of reach. Just chalk that one up to a tired bullpen and come out swinging today.)

Anthony DiComo | In a way, the roster move the Mets made after Wednesday's 8-0 loss to the Blue Jays was a demotion for Akeel Morris. In another way, it was a promotion. After Morris gave up three hits, three walks and five runs to the Blue Jays in his big league debut, becoming the 12th U.S. Virgin Islands native to pitch in the Majors, the Mets optioned the right-hander to Double-A Binghamton. That's two steps lower than the big leagues, but a step above Class A Advanced St. Lucie, where the club's No. 19 prospect was playing before the Mets summoned him last week. "I just said, 'Get 'em next time,'" Mets manager Terry Collins said. "And there will be a next time. He's got great stuff."

(Chris Soto: Akeel was not ready for the could he be? He was just facing 19-21 year olds in Florida a few days ago. Toronto's #9 hitter in the MLB's top offense is leaps and bounds better than anything he has faced in Port St. Lucie. Give him some time to grow some more, he's gonna be a good talent in the future.)

Drew Silva | NBC Sports- Good news here for the battered Mets infield…According Mets general manager Sandy Alderson said Tuesday that Daniel Murphy is on track to be activated from the disabled list next Tuesday. Murphy is eligible to return Saturday, but the Mets want him to play in a few minor league rehab games before they activate him. He’s currently participating in extended spring training exhibition games in Port St. Lucie, Florida.

(Chris Soto: Nice....the team's offense is almost back to 100% health. Having Murphy back is going to be a nice upgrade at 3B over Ruben Tejada offensively. After his hot beginnings in the starting role, Tejada has fallen back down to earth. Over the past 9 games he's has a measly .182 AVG with a .543 OPS. Getting Murphy's .280 AVG and .750 OPS back towards the top of the line-up should also send Lagares' sub .700 OPS back where it belows as the #7 hitter.)


  1. Sorry for the late start folks....walked into a shit show here at work this morning.

  2. Starting next Tuesday, here's my lineup wish for Mets.

  3. actually we should try
    keep murphy in run producing slot, protecting d'arnaud some, and keeping the left right through the line up... also cuddyer can maybe see some fast balls ahead of duda...

  4. What I want to read next is that Murphy is playing 3B in these minor league games. It seems so obvious, but I'll believe it when I see it.

    When the season began, while I never was anywhere near Tom's wild predicitions of 150+ runs improvement, I did think that the Mets strength could be a lineup without easy outs. Cuddyer replacing CY, Flores replacing Tejada, specifically. It should help.

    BTW, it doesn't get called out much, but last night Wilmer simply could not get to a few grounders that got through. I'm not killing Wilmer on this, just pointing out that Niese -- a groundball pitcher -- in particular -- gets hurt by a SS who will never make an above-average play. A smart team with good infield defense just might want to make a play for Niese.

    James Preller

  5. I was out and missed the Morris rout on Jays MLB highlight clips. One guy hunted for a hit - looked like Akeel was a little confused getting over but my guess is hit regardless, Russell Martin a pretty hard hit grounder eluded SS for a single, and from what I heard driving home last night, apparently a DP not turned?

    So he had had breaks. The 3 run homer was a terrible pitch that I'd be surprised a Florida State League guy would not have also hammered...Mack would've turned that one around for extra bases up the gap.

    Chalk it up. Learn from it. Try to dominate AA now.

    Glad to see they are not rushing Murph. He needs to stay healthy When back. We need him in the line up. With him in, Ruben back on bench, I like the line up.

  6. Watched on Jays video clips that is. If you want to see a guy roughed up, watch other team's clips.

  7. James -

    This is one point of Flores game I have pointed out for years.

    You don't get charged an error for not getting to a ground ball in time to field it.

    Wilmer has always been, and always will be, too slow to play SS at a major league level... but... he's doing a lot better than I thought he would

  8. What, no mention of Matz and his dominant start yesterday?

    I felt bad for Akeel. Seriously, a guy directly from A+ getting his start against the team with the best offense in the majors starting with the guy leading his league in WAR? I thought the guy was going to cry after that HR. Felt bad for him, he wasnt ready. I predicted 8 runs for the Jays yesterday but I figured more would come from Niese. He did a nice job improving his trade value. Frankly a team like the Jays could really use a guy like Niese. Did you hear the stat last night? They are 3-27 when they dont score 5 or more runs, thats insane!

  9. Dallas -

    You just don't want to be a lefty and pitch against Toronto this month...

    By my theory (3 runs in 7 innings), he pitched good enough to win, but it won't be good enough to prevent him to be losing his slot to Steven Matz.

  10. Tom, I watched Morris pitch. It was not good. The secondary pitches were embarrassing. I don't think you should comment based on a few clips. If you didn't see it, you didn't see it. He was a mess.

    James Preller

  11. Thanks, James. I'll go with you the viewer on this one.

  12. Akeel and his family are loyal readers here.

    Let's give him a pass today.

  13. Akeel, you'll do better next time - and there WILL be a next time. Congrats on the promotion to Binghampton. Knock 'em dead!

  14. Well if Akeel is really reading this, sorry you got put in a terrible position! Seriously unfair expectations.

    Mack, I'm not sure any pitcher should want to see that Toronto lineup. They could have won the first 2 games if they didnt run themselves out of big innings. Even yesterday the score could have been worse with 2 more base running blunders giving us free outs.

    With so many more teams in contention with the extra wildcards (and there being less sellers) you would think that moving Niese would be easier every day...I like how the Niese and Matz days match up perfectly at the moment.

  15. If Niese were to get dealt, I'd say to keep Gee in the system for insurance unless Montero shapes up fast. We had 9 (or more) starter candidates this spring. Wheeler hurt, Montero hurt, leaving only Niese and Gee, since Pill and Bowman have proven moresuspect than prospect. Right now, the next guy might be Duane Below.

  16. 'pecking orders' and 'disabled lists' don't go hand in hand...

    right now, my guess would be, because of injuries to Montero and Wheeler, and Gee in the dog house:

    #6 - Matz

    #7 - a stretched out Gilmartin

    #8 - a stretched out Verrett

  17. Gilmartin was one I overlooked, Mack. Good point.

    Verrett perhaps, but he has to show he can hold his own up here.

    His achilles heel is the long ball with 50 in 450 minor league innings ( by comparison, Matz 13 homers in 360 innings)

    Verrett will now get the chance.

  18. I don't think anyone in the Metsblogoshere is seriously faulting Akeel Morris for having a rough outing last night. But the fact is he gave up 5 runs over the course of 2/3 of an inning, including 3 walks.

    No disrespect to anybody, but he looked like a kid who got called up from A-ball and thrown to the wolves.

    I wish him luck.
