

Mack’s Morning Report – Off Season, Part Two – Infield

Good morning.

My infield has 8 ball players.

2 catchers, 4 starting infielders, and 2 utility players that can play multiple infield positions.

I can fill a few of these in quickly –

-         SS Astrubel Cabrera -I don’t think there is a Mets fan on this planet that isn’t happy with this guy and what he did this past season. He’s worth every penny of the $8.25mil he will be paid in 2017 and, if he repeats in 2017 what he did in 2016, I’ll gladly pick up his option.

Frankly, I next have to move to a couple of veterans that are both under contract and just not reasonable trade bait anymore because of the money and/or length of what’s left of their contract –

-         3B David Wright – Look, I have to respect both the amount of years and dollars committed over the length of Wright’s contract. I greatly question whether or not he will ever play at 100% again. I then will light a candle and hope he can produce like he has done in the past. And lastly, if everything goes south, I hope that David (I can call him by his first name because I know him) would have the decency to work out an exit package both he and the team could benefit from.

-         UT Jose Reyes – I’m thrilled to see that the Mets have picked up the option on this guy. I’m basically putting off any youth movement for my 2017 infield and paying Jose (I can call him by his first name because I know him) the approximate $600K minimum makes much sense when you also have so much invested in Wright ($20mil in 2017). I have him as the backup for Wright on third, Cabrera on short, an occasional gave at second, and late inning pinch hitting. You can’t find a more talented player in the league at this cost for this role.

-         1B Wilmer Flores – Frankly, I’m done with Lucas Duda and I would not pay him the projected $6.7mil it would take for him to return. I know we are still one year away from the Dominic Smith Experiment (spoiler alert: two years away from the Peter Alonso Project) so I’m going to try and limp through this season with a full time Flores and a part time returnee that I hope will sign up.

-         C-Reserve Rene Rivera -   Many of you know that I want two basic things from my backup catcher. First, I want his to catch a great defensive game which includes the ability to throw out runners on a consistent basic trying to steal second base. Secondly, I want my pitching staff to be happy when this guy is chosen to catch them as well as be encouraged by this catcher when my pitchers are getting things done right. Do these things and hit. 200 and I’m thrilled, but do these things and hit .222 and you’re the guy for me. He’ll cost around $2mil which is a steal.

And then there are the new guys that I would do what it takes to add to my roster -

-         C – Wilson Ramos – yeah, I know there’s a health problem (ACL and meniscus tear in right knee… second tear), but he’ll be back and, since he only cost $5.35mil last year for the Nats, I probably could easily (especially after the injury) get this guy in the $10-mil range for 2017. He hit 22 HRs/80 RBIs last year in 482 at bats and will play 2017 as a 29 year old. He easily could not be ready for the beginning of the season and his rehab literally could last until the all-star break, but I’ll still sign him through 2018. Big risk (two rebuilt knee operations for a catcher) but big rewards to. I’ll fill in with Travis d’Arnaud until the transition and then deal off ‘ d’ in some future trade. This is basically my wild card move this upcoming season.

-         2B – ??? – Yeah, this is where you come in. Do you send a QO to bad backed Neil Walker? Or do you promote rookies Gavin Cecchini or T.J. Murphy? I’m not going to allow you to use Flores here because I am going to play him at first for one year with the next guy as his back-up. Your call here.

-         UT – Kelly Johnson – I didn’t want this guy to go away the first time and I sure as hell don’t want to lose him again. Johnson knows his role. He can play at least three infield positions and there isn’t a better clutch late inning pinch hitter in the league. He also was only paid $2mil last season. I would easily double his salary to get him back.


  1. I hand the job to a competition of TJ Rivera and Jose Reyes in the Flores-to-1st scenario. I think Cecchini needs additional seasoning at 2B in Las Vegas.

  2. Reese -

    I think you're right about Cecchini. I read also he is playing defensively bad again, this time in the fall league.

    And... he has Rosario biting up his arse.

  3. Mack (and I call you that because I know you!) I like most of it. I also am very hesitant on Cecchini, although I did notice thru 25 PAs, he has gotten on 11 times, with 2 doubles and a homer...but he has to prove he can field. His bat may or may not be ready, his glove is at best wishful thinking at this point. Still young, give him another half year in minors to work out the kinks - or trade him. I think he will be a decent major leaguer.

    $17 million is too much to burn on Walker UNLESS we lose Cespedes.

    On the bright side, if all 3 bad back boys play together, we may just see Wright, Duda and Walker go back to back to back. Ouch! My sense of humor causes stress fractures.

    I'd be happy to see the Mets NOT give up on Flores as they did with Turner and put him at 1B. Give him 150 games there, and I could see .265, 25 homers, 90 RBI.

    Duda is very frustrating when healthy - they can trade him if tendered, or non-tender him.

  4. Wow, just looked....Gavin has 5 errors in 6 AFL can't sugarcoat that, man, this guy is an error machine until he proves otherwise - and unfit for the office of major league starter or utility player.

  5. Mack your probably right on track with what will happen...
    I think everyone has Cecchini all wrong... I am not saying i see a star but he may be the next D. Murphy / W. Flores...
    Neither could field a lick but may hit enough where he may have some value as a jack of all trades... He is obviously not a SS but as a 2B / 3B/ 1B and maybe give him a OF glove too...
    I mean the national league is all about flexibility... If we had Reyes, Flores, Cecchini, and TJ all fighting for AT bats at 1b / 2b / and 3b (alas i dont think wright will ever be Right)... that could make for a solid quartet... (conforto could spend time at 1b too)
    I like the Idea of bringing back K Johnson too...
    I will say this I am a big fan of not bringing back the same team year after year... so something on this team has to change... the Will ramos idea is ok... but I really liked the Salvador Perez Idea someone had a while back... or maybe someone else... but small change is good for the club house...

  6. Eddie -

    I didn't plan for the return of Reyes and the addition of Bruce in the outfield, but I can't ignore this kind of talent at this price. I have to build my 2017 around this.

  7. Mack... I just don't think Bruce will produce in NY... He didn't want to be in NY and if he gets off to a slow start he will be treated like Jason Bay... Trade him before he loses any more value...

  8. Eddie -

    we're going to have to disagree on Bruce...

    yes, he didn't want to come to NYC, but he finally stopped pouting and I think he's worth the investment. He was leading the league in RBIs when he arrived.

  9. Well Mack I can always defer to the Wise...
    Here's hoping I am wrong and either way if bruce steps in the Batters box wearing Orange and blue there is only one thing to say....

    Lets go Mets...

  10. Today was a fun day on this site with 3 article posts!

  11. Today was a fun day on this site with 3 article posts!

  12. I would platoon the Back to back brothers at first base (Mr Wright and Mr Duda) and keep Reyes leading off and at 3rd base. Mack who would you bat lead off if Reyes is the backup?

  13. Don't know what head I put on yesterday, but somehow I never got to the site. Never happens. so my 2 centavos.

    Wright: don't believe he can return to Wilmer-level, let alone Old-David level production. Unoryunatelt we have to get closer to ST to determine that. I'd rather steer The Captain down a managerial path--I think he has the smarts & temperament for it. There's an opening in 2017 LV (and likely 2018 Queens). Think about it.

    I make the QO to Walker if there is no expectation of Wright making a major contribution.--which I suspect there isn't.

    Conforto gets a 1B mit and shares the position with Wilmer. Cabrera is the SS.

    Jose, TJ & Kelly J rotate thru 3B and backup at 2B and Jose at SS (with Wilmer in an emergency). TJ, Kelly (& Conforto) share the 5th OF spot as I have 7 IF'rs.

    Ramos is almost as fragile, Weiters? McCann? idk. I am willing to give TdA another shot. Pry Chance Sisco away from Balt (start at LV)?

    If David does return, let HIM share 1B with Conforto. Wilmer, TJ, Jose & KJ share 2B/2B.
