

Richard Herr - So Whaddya Think? - 18

Playing Experience
“So whaddya think?”
“Whaddya mean? What do I think?”
“Whaddya think will be the Mets’ starting five this year?”
“Lemme see. You got Syndergaard and deGrom.”
“Then the guy who’s pitching very well so far is Gsellman.”
“Okay, that’s three.”
“Harvey got movement back on his fastball. He’ll start out a bit off for the first two or three starts, but he’ll settle in to be screaming.”
“You’re up to four. You think Lugo’ll be number five?”
“No, I think he’s going to the bullpen.”
“So who’s your number five?”
“You can’t put Wheeler there all the way through. He’s got an inning limit.”
“But it looks like Matz has a little injury.”
“That’s where I got my idea. Matz is in and out with a bunch of dingers. So number five is combination of Matz when he’s healthy and Wheeler when he’s not.”
“How do you handle that? Two guys on the same roster spot?”
“I work out the broad strokes. You’re my detail guy. You figure that out.”
“Oh, good!”
“While you’re at it, figure out where my next drink is coming from.”

Whenever Richard Herr isn’t solving all the Mets’ problems, he spends his time writing humorous science fiction novels.

You can see his books at


  1. It is a conundrum wrapped in a cannoli. As for me, I'll take one of each, please.

  2. I thought we were passing the cannoli?
