

Richard Herr - Year to Go For It/ Year of Decision - #2

Year to Go For It
 Year of Decision

This is the second in this series. I am not only doing an assessment of each player’s coming year, but also charting what should happen with them when 2018 rolls around and we start thinking about that year’s roster.  

This posting covers the second category which is:

First Note - Before listing the names, I wanted to say this: there is nothing more dynamic than the performance of relievers, particularly back-of-the-bullpen guys. They go up; they go down. Therefore I approach this area pf prediction with much trepidation. Things are going to change.

Jeurys Familia - Apparently someone at MLB feels that domestic violence is only an issue in this country. Therefore they are not going to suspend him from the WBC. When he gets back to the Mets and American baseball, he’s going to sit for a while. (However, I applaud any display of increased moral standards in this country, no matter where it shows up.)  When Jeurys does return from suspension, he’ll ease back into the closer roll. He has shown one slight tendency. Granting he’s mostly a brick in tight situations, he does however get rattled every now and again. Again, this is very seldom, but it does happen. I think it’s related to the problem he had throwing to bases when fielding the ball. He’s fixed the one problem; I hope he’ll fix the other one. I think he’ll manage about 40 saves this year.

The outlook for 2018 - ARB 3 with free agency in 2019. He is the last of that list of six pitchers who should be considered for long-term contracts. I think this is a priority at the end of this season.

Addison Reed - The first of the guys in his walk year. He’s looked great so far in his Mets’ tenure. Hopefully he will continue to do well. He’s got to be the closer for the first part of the season, when our relievers return from foreign lands to face suspensions. Here’s a solid prediction: I think he’ll do well.

The outlook for 2018 - He’ll go out and prowl about in free agency. I only hope he returns because he has gained an affection for gritty New York baseball fans because he thinks they’re cute. I can dream can’t I?

Hansel Robles - Here’s a guy who looks like he came straight out of Central Casting for the part of reliever. His face is always firmly set. He looks like an executioner: no batter is going to survive him. However, his performance has been uneven. Hope he gets things straightened out and lives up to his stuff. He has closer potential.

The outlook for 2018 - ARB 1.

Jerry Blevins - He’s back. He’s done well. He’ll have more responsibility at the start of the season with Familia’s suspension. He’s handled lefties well.
The outlook for 2018 - We pay him $7 M.

Fernando Salas - He did well in a small sampling. TC says likes him. We have to be careful there. Every time Terry says that, he uses a pitcher until his arm falls off.

The outlook for 2018 - Free agent.

Josh Edgin - Hasn’t looked good since TJS, and it’s been a question of velocity. I’ll cite Bobby Parnell again. We’ll just have to see - what the radar gun says.

The outlook for 2018 - ARB 3. He’ll either be in the plans or fading fast.

Josh Smoker - Showed some signs he could be the second lefty in the bullpen. He says his split finger isn’t working in the majors, and he’s working on his slider. I’m getting into the part of the bullpen where performances bounce up and down. Here’s my observation, citing all sorts of stats that have been crunched into powder on my computer using algorithms from hell: I like him.

The outlook for 2018 - Let’s see where the chips fall.

Sean Gilmartin - He was okay as a Rule 5 pickup in 2015. He didn’t do as well last year. He’s down on the depth chart as alternate starter and bullpen lefty. My feeling is this guy will go gently into the night.

The outlook for 2018 - ARB 1.

Erik Goeddel - I’m going to lay his disappointing performance last year to elbow discomfort that got fixed by surgery this off-season. I think he’ll be a nice back-of-the-bullpen guy. (Boy, did I just overheat my memory chips coming up with that last one!)

The outlook for 2018 - ARB 1.

Rafael Montero - The Golden Boy from Sandy’s early years as GM. He’s an enigma, stemming from being a head case. He’s got the skills. He’s got to use them.

The outlook for 2018 - ARB 1. Who knows where he’ll be? Maybe traded and thriving in a change of scenery.

Lugsellman - This dual-headed creature may poke one or more of its snouts into the bullpen. I’d say the Lugo half of it might be more of a possibility. With the talk of Wheeler going on extended spring training, obviously there’s going to be some starts out of these two.

The outlook for 2018 - Their status will mostly depend on two things. Others guys’ health and trades - whether they or someone else goes away.

Guys who might make it as different specific things: - A bullpen lefty, Tom Gorzellany; a submariner, Ben Rowen; a graduated minor leaguer, Chasen Bradford.

The outlook for 2018 - Isn’t a consideration. It’s all about 2017.

This category has the most entries, since it is the largest group on the team. It also has the greatest numbers of people who might catch on. The 2018 considerations are few, since this group is mostly about 2017.

Whenever Richard Herr isn’t solving all the Mets’ problems, he spends his time writing humorous science fiction novels.

You can see his books at


  1. Skipper loves his veterans, so you figure Gorzellany has a big leg up on the other lefties. Even if Gilmartin hadn't kicked his dog or whatever to wind up on the outs, his performance thus far hasn't suggested he's in the mix. What's interesting to see are some of the non-roster guys like Rowen and Sewald who may just open some eyes. Both are old enough that Terry Collins may actually acquiesce and use them. Remember Scott Rice?

  2. Seems like most of out look is we'll have to wait and see... With the bullpen that's usually the case...
    I am personally hoping that Ben Rowen makes the club... I love seeing submariners come in...
    Ahh the days of terry leach...

  3. Spring training is a time for managers, pitching coaches, and general managers to see minor league players that, one, are not of the 40 man roster and, two, players they have seen play in a game before.

    I do not expect any of these 'outsiders' to go to Queens in April, regardless of how well they pitch in March.

  4. I'm thinking that Josh Edgin is pitching himself off the team. Josh Smoker will likely make it and I have a feeling Gorzellany will, too.

  5. Reese -

    I consider both Edgin and Smoker as an 'insider',,, leaving Gorzellany as the tru outsider in your prediction

  6. I thought Gorzellany was a run-it-up-the-flagpole idea as a bullpen lefty in the first place. I never thought very much of him in his first go-round with the Pirates. I remember him kind of like I remember Anthony Bastardo...
    I'm hoping the best for Josh Edgin. He was pretty good pre-TJS. I'm waiting for him to get back to the mid-90s. That will tell us he's back.
    I think the bullpen will have Blevins and one other lefty. You've got Reed, Robles, Blevins, Salas as "locks." That leaves two or three other slots for lefty 2, Goeddel, Lugsellman, + +.
    I heard Rowen threw a session where they said he was "unhittable." Of course you take that report, bundle it up with all sorts of other glowing reports from spring trainings through the years, add in a Metro Card, and you get a ride on the subway.

  7. Rowen apparently has the lowest submarine delivery around - a different look.

    I hope Sewald gets a shot.

    Lugo and Gsellman both deserve to be in the majors - the pen may be the place. Familia's upcoming suspension will help.

    Edgin is in danger of being overtaken by Dave Roseboom.
