

Richard Herr - Scouting the enemy - ???????

Scouting the Enemy - ???????
“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”  --FDR

We here at Mack’s Mets have been running a series of posts assessing the competition for the Mets in the upcoming season. Various writers have jumped up and selected the other teams within the Eastern Division. Others are turning their attentions to the supposed winners of the other divisions.

As the guy who put the “pro” in procrastinate, I was still looking around for a team to pick. As the more prominent teams were scooped up by the other writers, I was still struggling to come up with a topic. Finally I reduced the question to its barest essential: who was the worst enemy the Mets had to face this season?

Then I rephrased the question. Who is the Mets’ worst enemy? The answer was obvious.


All of us in Metsland: the team, the fans, the press. We are our own worst enemy. We are the snakes lurking in the grass of our own psyches. We are the monsters we have to defeat. Therefore, I am going to assess the competition, the enemy: Ourselves.  

Travis d”Arnaud - He’s been exorcised of his big swing and is showing great results. He can’t go back to that big, looping swing. He’s also got to do something about base runners going wild on him. No arm strength? Improve the footwork.

Lucas Duda - He’s got to stop churning in his mind some massive algorithm about what pitch to expect when he steps to the plate. While he’s doing that, the fastball sales down the middle. The numbers show how much better he is with fewer strikes in the count. Don’t be so passive. The RISP numbers can improve if you learn to hit the other way on occasion.

Neil Walker - Keep the concentration that brought you the stellar numbers last year. Stretch that back. Ask to sit when it’s getting tired.

Asdrubel Cabrera - You  and Neil Walker play together; also do back stretches with him. Don’t fall in love with the homer. The RISP numbers can improve if you learn to hit the other way on occasion.

Jose Reyes - You’re no longer playing shortstop; don’t play that deep. You’re going to get some bunts in front of you. Study tape of pitchers some more, so you know their moves. A quicker jump will make up for slowed-down foot speed. Shag flies during batting practice.

David Wright - Be careful. Be ready to face facts. Be ready to negotiate.

Wilmer Flores - Take advantage of your opportunities. Remember that right-handers throw hanging curves.

T.J. Rivera - Make your RISP numbers turn heads. Don’t worry about taking pitches.

Yoenis Cespedes - Take the high pitch. Let foul balls fall into the stands. Don’t lose the swagger. The RISP numbers can improve if you learn to hit the other way on occasion.

Curtis Granderson - Weigh the value of playing short to make up for your arm with playing deeper when the situation demands it. The RISP numbers can improve if you learn to hit the other way on occasion.

Jay Bruce - Imitate the swagger of the guy who plays over in left. Remember those skills that gave you all those RBIs.

Michael Conforto - Don’t bite on those sliders down and in. Burn up the PCL for 55 days, when they’ll have to call you up. The RISP numbers can improve if you learn to hit the other way on occasion.

Juan Lagares - Consult someone on your conditioning program. Don’t try to conform to the front office’s OBP obsession.

Noah Syndergaard - Improve your techniques for holding runners on. Help ‘Ces lead the swagger workouts.

Jacob deGrom - You can’t be too cunning. Remember how Big Sexy did things.

Matt Harvey - Assess your capabilities. See above about Big Sexy.

Zack Wheeler - Stop insisting on taking every turn. You’ve been down for two year. You can’t lift mountains.

Steven Matz - Work with Warthen on your motion. You’re doing something that’s annoying your arm.

Robert Gsellman - Repeat Big Sexy thing.

Seth Lugo - Spin that ball. Learn bullpen techniques. Don’t overdo.

Jeurys Familia - Don’t insist on getting every save opportunity. Pace yourself. Still have it in October and November. Teach your agent to stress that last point.

Addison Reed - Stay focused.

Hansel Robles - Remember the first rule of real estate: location, location, location.

Rafael Montero - You will have command if you stay in command.

Kevin Long - I’ve heard the numbers about how it’s better to hit the ball in the air. Does that translate over to RISP? Remember, you stunk at RISP. Everyone keeps hitting into the shift. You could teach other techniques aside from hitting home runs. Can some of the guys lay down a bunt every now and again? It’d make other teams temper their shifts. Can the pitchers learn how to bunt? Can the pitchers learn how to relax when they bunt?

Terry Collins - You don’t have to put out your absolutely best line-up for 162 games. Don’t go into the playoffs exhausted. Stop looking at the back of cards and look at the players on the field. Set up a proper schedule for your pitchers and don’t deviate from it. Respect your relievers; don’t burn them out.

Sandy Alderson - It’s okay to bench an 8-figure player if it helps the team. Don’t try to force techniques on players who can’t do them. Batters look confused at the plate because they’re trying to do your technique which they don’t understand. Stop looking at the back of cards computers and look at the players on the field. Improve your methods for judging position players. Re-sign Warthen.

The Fans and the Press - Qwitcherbitching. Take a look at the Cardinals’ fans and press. They have a love fest out there, and their teams always do well. Everyone seems to be bitching here. Fans and media rush to the negative. The tension rises up, and the Mets are among the league leaders in injuries. There have been studies that prove that stress in the workplace is bad for the health of the employees. Would everyone who likes to boo please comment on this post on how your booing improves the team? I think it’s time for all of us to drink the orange and blue Kool-Aid.

There’s the scouting report on our real enemies - ourselves.

Sandy had better fix that.

Whenever Richard Herr isn’t solving all the Mets’ problems, he spends his time writing humorous science fiction novels.

You can see his books at


  1. Richard, great, great post. Team should tack it up in clubhouse and win a few more games this year than otherwise.

    And all fans should tack up the “chill out on the booing” advice.

  2. @Tom -- my eyes must be going. I read the comment you'd made but my eyes thought it said, "Chill out on the bong" and I was having Grant Roberts flashbacks.

  3. Richard -

    Another great post.

    God, I miss my bong...

  4. Here I am trying to talk about a little discipline in Metsland, and what do I get?

  5. Richard -

    We call this 'Mets Static"
