

Reese Kaplan -- Hopefully the Veterans' Swan Song

For people who are totally puzzled by the lineup construction put forth by one Terry Collins, today’s gem will have you scratching your head until you draw blood.  After yesterday’s debacle, have a gander at what they’re putting on the field today:

Reyes SS

Nimmo RF
Cabrera 2B
Flores 3B
Plawecki C
Smith 1B
Lagares CF
Reynolds LF
Montero RHP

Now, it’s bad enough that he plays Asdrubal Cabrera at all while Gavin Cecchini remains Krazy-Glued to the bench, but what has he not yet seen of Jose Reyes to offer him the SS and leadoff slot ahead of Amed Rosario? 

If there is anyone in the Mets organization with a few functioning brain cells, may tomorrow be the last starting assignment Cabrera gets for the remainder of the year!  After all, the 31st is the deadline by which contenders are still eligible to have newly acquired players available in the post season.  Ditto Jose Reyes…let’s see what Cecchini and even Matt Reynolds can do with an extended look. 

Of course, that if statement is just that…a veritable needle in the haystack finding someone smart enough to realize that the season is long over and it’s time to evaluate for the future.


  1. Could this be a half assed attempt to play less of the future chips so they aren't injured during this weird season?

  2. I'm more of the opinion it's a full ass with the lineup pencil in his hand.

  3. Jose Reyes in LF?

    Is Collins really thinking about how to develop players for next year here?

    I don't think I've ever seen this in professional sports before.

    He is playing players no one could possibly offer a few hats for, while sitting kids who desperately need at bats.

    He butchered the English language without the endearment of Casey Stengel.

    He is, perhaps, the weakest manager I've never seen. He hides behind his vets just to keep them happy.

    Jose Reyes in LF while kids on the bench, the end of August, 22 games out.

    Even for Collins, this is still shocking.

  4. Collins didn't make that decision. Alderson did. Reyes will be back next year and they want to see what else he can do. Has been playing much better anyway. A game off for Rosario isn't changing his future and if it does he isn't that good. Non story....

  5. I am so completely p-off, I can no longer contain myself. Is it possible to relieve TC of his duties for the rest of the year.

  6. I agree with anonymous. GM making these calls, wants to make decision on Reyes for 2018. Barring sickness or injury, it is nuts that Rosario isn't playing with 2 off days this week. Agreed Cabrera watches in Sept if not dealt.

  7. Hey, Pete Alonso homered twice for Binghamton tonight. Mets' next 1B? I know, Smith and his .172 is there already. But Pete can crush it.

  8. Reyes is playing much better lately? I'll leave the defense off the table, but the last time I looked he's hitting .232 at the end of August. Is Gavin Cecchini really going to be any worse? Matt Reynolds?

  9. I dont mind seeing reyes get a start in the of and the occasional day off for rosario. Im generally surprised that cabrera doesnt play 3rd base. At this point i think the lineup should be

    2nd/3rd base base or non flores/carbera

    get the kids up at the front. sink or swim, but roll

  10. This is just a play for a better draft pick how else could you figure it?
