

Mack On Terry

Good morning.

Frankly, this whole ‘removal’ of Terry Collins as the manager of the Mets has left a very bad taste in my mouth.

First of all, Terry quitting my ass. This was easily the worst handled case of treatment of a human being that, whether you liked him or not, or believed he was a great manager or not, I have ever seen in professional sports. The entire Mets organization, starting with the guy with the biggest office, ought to be ashamed of themselves.

Second, I am well known for my contempt for the small little men that never played an inning of decent baseball but call themselves baseball experts. They hide behind either their pens or handhelds, smile to your face (if you are a player) when they ask you question, act like they are your best buddy, and then rip you to shreds when their ‘piece’ comes out the next morning. These pencil nerds should be tied inside a batting cage and Mets pitchers should be invited to serve up some choice ones at the little testicles that hang between their legs (oh… can you tell that they treated me like shit during the three years I was allowed in the spring training clubhouse?).

Lastly, I think even less of the pundits and young Mets bloggers that try and sit on the fence, not only on this issue, but just about everything else they write about. They tell you one day they love TC, the next day they hate him, and rotate these thoughts depending on who tweets them what. They send Mets players countless tweets in hopes of becoming that player’s new BFF. Do they really think Mets players give a damn what they think?

People I respect are guys like Reese Kaplan and Peter Hyatt. I don’t always agree with both (or either) of them, but they are both consistent regarding what they feel is what’s right and wrong about this team.

Collins made a lot money as the Mets manager for a very long period with very little end result success. In my old business (broadcasting), this is called 'missing the budget'. You do this consistently, year after year, and you don't retain your job no matter how much the advertising community or your sales staff loves you. 

This reason alone is why he should have been replaced, but it should have happened more humanely and much earlier.

I’m not sure who dropped the ball, or balls here. Frankly, it doesn’t look like anyone in that front office had much balls, period.

I’m thankful that the off-season is here. I already, without fanfare, have decided to turn over my Monday and Thursday 8am ‘Morning Report’ to Peter Hyatt. My morning reports finish up this Thursday. Peter, Reese, and Tom Brennan will produce six 8am posts Mon-Sat per week. I will handle the Sunday 8am post and administrate the site. Hopefully, the other writers will produce enough posts to keep the ‘three a day’ goals we set here each day.

I had other reasons to take a step back. I turned 70 this year, my health has been challenging, my wife’s mother has been placed in home care. And my wife has cancer. My cup is close to full.

I love Mack’s Mets and will die writing a post for this site, but I really am not too proud of being even a distant part of this team right now.

Shame on you Wilpons. Shame on you Sandy. And Terry, please. Do your family a favor. Tell the Mets to take their ‘executive position’ offer and stick it and go spend some time with your lovely family. You deserve it after all the swill you had to muck your way through. 


  1. It could have been worse for Terry, if, say, the North Koreans owned the team. Instead, he was done in by Russian collusion.

    Yep, treated like crap he was.

    Reese and Peter were indeed banging the drum loudly on one Terry Collins, to their credit.

    Paul Sewald, for one, survived Collins' pen arms overuse - Collins using a short reliever for 84 pitches in 2 outings 18 hours apart in early may is asking a guy to fly a kamikaze mission - Paul thankfully seems to have survived.

  2. Tom -

    I'm very upset about this, the Mets, my blog, my family...

    Paul Sewald???

  3. Mack and I are in agreement on a number of points:

    1. This was handled even worse than the Willie Randolph debacle
    2. Keep Terry away from the team (both for his own good and the Mets' future)
    3. Terry wasn't very good and it's a miracle he lasted as long as he did

  4. Mack, my best to your family.

    Don't worry about Collins. It was his dinners with Fred Coupon that kept him in place anyway. How many managers have dinner with their boss often and meetings before games in the manager's office, and then the GM has no authority to fire them when we all know he sucks?

    That article was put out there to make sure Coupon didn't pull another power play. I thank that executive that put his neck out for the good of the team. We all owe that executive a huge debt of gratitude and the article could not have been crueler than how Collins treated the young player. He deserved it. God bless that executive; a huge wrong has been righted.

  5. Mack,
    I think I have been consistent in calling Terry "The Imbecile in the dugout" and Sandy "The Genius in his own mind". Having said that, I do agree that the Mets could have and should have shown more respect and a more dignified exit for Terry Collins.

    Terry moving up to the front office is rewarding someone for doing a bad job and putting in another position where they can do a worse job. But that's what the Mets do best, scr...up.

    It is yet, another example of the Mets organization inability to cut the cord clean and start fresh. The reason they are a losing organization. Both Terry and Sandy should have been shown the door as they are equally guilty of not doing a good job.

    Enjoy your time with your family because when it comes down to it, they are the most important thing in one's life.

  6. Mack, of course, family first - hope all is well as possible with them. My wife losing her brother suddenly last week puts life in perspective (how do you spell the word R..E..T..I..R..E? I may want to do that soon - no, not from Macks Mets, but from the paying gig :)

    Paul Sewald might have been considered family too, if he did not go 0-6, to join the Anthony Young Mets Hall of Fame (or is it Shame?) :)

    Great observations by the responders above, BTW. I see some gents who could certainly write for this site.

  7. Mack,
    All the best to you and your family.

    Condolences to your wife and family.

    While the Wilpons have a foul odor to most everything they do, I sense that with modern technology, most every manager in NY will be dismissed with some degree of disrespect. We live in the TMZ culture, and while I don't agree with it, I am a participant insomuch as I follow the team closely. Terry can take it...he was paid well for a rare, high profile job. His successor will be in the same spot, and only a hall of fame run will prevent an ugly parting in the end.

  8. Thanks, TP.

    TERRY worked hard, hadcmixed results, was handsomely rewarded

  9. This is the Mets so why are we surprised?
