

Mack… Position By Position Analysis: RP

PC - Ed Delany

Good morning.

We continue with a projection for the 2019 pipeline. Relief Pitching.

I’m not going to spend any time breaking out the numbers for every pitcher that threw a relief inning last year for one of the Mets affiliates.

What I am going to do is break out the numbers for some of the guys that, IMO, have earned either a second shot at the last level they pitched at last year, or a promotion to the next one up the ladder.

It also will expose the lack of decent depth for this position in the pipeline.

So, let’s start…

          AAA – Syracuse

                   Matt Blackham (25/yrs.)–

                             AA              22-app        3.42/1.33
                             A+               17-app        1.90/1.01

                   Joshua Torres (24/yrs.)–

                             AAA            5-app          12.96/2.88
                             AA              35-app        1.19/1.10

                   Dave Roseboom (26/yrs) –

                             AAA            3-app          17.18/3.00
                             AA              40-app        2.72/1.19

                   Ian Kroll (27/yrs.)–
                             MLB            2-IP             0.00/1.00
AAA            43-app        2.72/1.58

                   Corey Taylor (25/yrs.) –

                             AAA            16-app        4.26/1.42
                             AA              29-app        2.41/1.44
          AA – Binghamton

                   Stephen Villines (23/yrs.)–

                             AA              7-app          3.18/0.71
                             A+               16-app        0.41/0.59
                             A                 24-app        4.86/1.14

                                      Combined:  66.2-IP        96-K
          A+ - St. Lucie

                   Billy Oxford (23/yrs.) –

                             A+               2-app          0.00/1.50
                             Low-A          26-app        1.34/1.24   

                   Ezeguiel Zabaleta (23/yrs.) –

                             A+               3-app          1.59/0.71
                             Low-A          13-app        1.47/0.98

                   Connor O’Neill (24/yrs.) –

                             A                 27-app        2.86/1.23

                   Trey Cobb (24/yrs.) –

                             A+               15-app        4.50/1.14
                             A                 27-app        2.22/1.34
A – Columbia

          Ryley Gilliam (22/yrs.) –

                   Low-A          17-app        2.08/1.38

                             17.1-IP        31-K

          Kevin Smith (21/yrs.) –

                   Low-A          12-app        0.76/0.76

                             23.2-IP        28-K            0-BB

          Tommy Wilson (22/yrs.) –

                   Low-A          11-app        1.23/0.91

                             22-IP           27-K

          Yeudy Colon (23/yrs.) –

                   Low-A          25-app        1.95/1.36
Low-A – Brooklyn

          Andrew Mitchell (24/yrs.)-

                   Low-A          8-app          1.64/1.18
                   K-Port          10-app        0.75/1.17

                             23-IP           32-K
Rookie – K-Port

          Miguel Ramirez (21/yrs.) –

                   GCL             17-app        2.60/1.56
Rookie – GCL

          Daniel Guzman (20/yrs.) –

                   DSL             21-app        1.17/0.95

          Jefferson Escorcha (19/yrs.) –

                   DSL             20-app        1.57/0.78

          Antonio Villaba (19/yrs. old) –

                   DSL             22-app        1/77/1.18

          Jhonfran Escalona (19/yrs.)  -

                   DSL             16-app        1.88/0.79
Summary –

          As you can see, we have a long way to go to fill in these rosters.

I have 65 more relievers on the rosters, from Syracuse through the GCL-Mets, some of which some of you will feel have also earned a roster slot. You’re probably right, but I just list the guys that turned in the best numbers with a serious amount of appearances.

I have Villines and Gilliam as blue prospects. Both could easily elevate their game this year, turn red, and move up the chain.

Villines could make it to Queens this year.

The GCL team looks to have four very talented kids coming across the water this season, three of which are 19-years old.

This is very easy to grade out since so little cream has risen to the top. Blame this one on Sandy.

Rating:       F


  1. F is a TOUGH grade, but collectively, this bunch looks weak indeed.

    I'd give them a D.

    Justin Dunn might have been legit pen help, but no more.

    Brodie needs to start signing pen arms!

    7th round 2018 draftee Kevin Smith might warrant a BLUE (anyone with an ERA AND a WHIP of 0.76 has it going on), and fellow class of 2018 Adam Hill and fellow Cyclone was 2.35 in relief with 26 Ks in 15 IP (9 relief appearances) - as a 4th rounder, I'd make him a blue too.

    My guess, though, is Hill starts next year.

    A cautionary note on pen arms - two of my past faves were Jack Leathersich and Akeel Morris, who both struck out tons in the lower minors. Looked great. But both have barely eked their way into the majors, and look inconsequential at best. So lower minors pitching success may not mean spit at higher levels.

  2. I stick with Gilliam as the only true chip here.

    A closer since birth.

  3. Morning Mack:

    I agree with an F (should go to management though)

    Anyhow, if BVW signs a couple big league bullpen arms.
    Also keeps the starting rotation together.
    These minor league F's can be D before the end of 2019.


  4. Morning Steve -

    I have a feeling that BVW is going to feed his bullpen with pitchers from the outside.

    In fact, it may be his plan regarding all positions... use the chips to obtained established stars.

  5. I don't know...some of the guys going into AAA this year had great success at AA. The glaring omission here are the "haul" Sandy brought back for all of those aalary dumps in 2017. They've already waived one of them (Callahan) and sent Bautista packing to Seattle. The last time I looked they had given up Addison Reed, Neil Walker, Curtis Granderson, Lucas Duda and Jay Bruce with nothing to show for it except, perhaps, Drew Smith.

  6. I agree that Dunn was likely going to end up in the bullpen, so his loss affects the total grade here.......F might be a touch harsh, IMO.

    Bullpens are a weird set.....seems like the best pens get redone (mostly) from one year to the next. IF things work out, our pen shouldn't need a bunch of young players for a bit. Hopefully it buys time for the Gilliam's of the world to finish up their development.

  7. Bull Pen

    The Mets now have this: Diaz to close, Bashlor to set-up, Zamora for long relief (if not given a chance to start), Josh Torres set-up, Hanhold, Roseboom, Blackham all get a ST invite, and if the Mets were to acquire someone maybe like a JA Happ then I wouldn't mind seeing Steve Matz getting a look as the lefty set-up man too. So from all this maybe six or seven relievers could be ready for 2019. But do not be surprised if BVW adds in one more reliever to the mix.

  8. Why trying to get either Padres' catcher Francsico Mejia or Austin Allen makes terrific sense.

    The reasoning is that the NY Mets really do not have anywhere a starting MLB catcher or even one getting ready for the parent team. This is the weak position of almost every team in MLB, so it should not surprise anyone.

    Who would I offer up to the Pods...

    Probably Seth Lugo and Dominic Smith, something like this. The Mets need a bonafide catching talent in their system. Both Mejia and Allen are close to being ready and both have been favorably scouted.

  9. AJ Pollack

    The Mets have been after this guy awhile actually. He's good, but he is 31 years old. He'll hit you 20 HR, bat .280. But he is not a tier one star.

    I'd stick with Nimmo, Conforto, and Lagares. Get like a Matt Holliday to backup the two corner outfield slots and add PH HR power. Offer a two year at sufficient dollars.

  10. Mets back to chasing JT Realmuro

    Marlins wanted Amed Rosario. Mets said "No."

    Think about this all you Amed Rosario bashers. Derek Jeter, the all time great shortstop and captain wanted Amed Rosario top lay in Miami at his position.

    Now shut up already!
