

Tom Brennan - "CAN WE DO JUST ENOUGH?"

Tom Brennan - "CAN WE DO JUST ENOUGH?"

During the Sandy Alderson Era, if one wanted to sum up the Mets' approach to each season, it would be "let's do just enough, cheaply, and hope that SOMEHOW, all the pieces would miraculously fall into place and we'd get at least a Wild Card slot."

Hey, it worked in 2015 and 2016, right?

But in 2015, the Mets got red hot after a few midseason deals, and other teams collapsed.  Frequency of that sort of thing happening?  Quite infrequent.

In 2016, the Mets got hot in September to secure a Wild Card.  TJ Rivera surprisingly hit .333 in September to help that unlikely event happen.

Overall, from a Mets fan's perspective, the cheap, wishful thinking approach sucks, really.

Brodie Van Wagenen's Era has begun, with energy and more risk taking.  The team has improved.

But flat-out boldness still hides from plain sight.

If the Bronx team had exactly the same roster and salary situation as the Mets do right now, what would Cashman and company do?  Easy....

Go all out for Bryce Harper.  Then sort out the outfield logjam if/when Cespedes returns.

Add another STRONG arm to the pen.  

And add a better starter than Vargas is likely to be.

Which would raise the team payroll, a lot, certainly.

But increase the chances of making the World Series exponentially.



  1. It's a little early to decide what Brodie "will do" in the next 6 weeks . What he HAS done in the 6 weeks to date is be more aggressive than virtually every other GM.

    If 6 weeks ago someone would said that before ST he would add an All-Star 2Bman, one of the top closers in MLB, a very solid setup RP, and a vastly better C than we had, would you really be disappointed?

    Well, he's done all of that, while only giving up 2 players from last year's roster, and he's only halfway to ST.

    We don't know what else is in store (he's already said he's far from finished making moves), but how could we have asked for more?

    Yes I know some here want Harper AND Machado AND Pollock. But let's not be greedy.

  2. I'll settle for Harper OR Machado.

    Because of an upper minor league system devoid of outfield talent, I would prefer Harper though


  3. Agreed Bill that BVW has been very aggressive in a good way. Maybe 3 years from now these moves don't look good, but as 2018 ends, I'm on board with what he has done so far. I want to get back to having sleepless nights after an a horrible loss in September but having the excitement build for the next day's game that comes with a playoff hunt. If there are no blockbuster trades or signings coming (and I think BVW is all in trying to find one of those), then go out and sign Gio Gonzalez as the 5th starter, move Vargas to Loogy/long man, get Maldonado - trade TDA and Plawecki, and sign Marwin, try to trade Frazier. See what's left on the relief market in late January. And let's go.

  4. What we want is an outfielder whose bones are not made from balsa wood and not bet that evidence notwirthstanding he will finally have a full 162 game season. What we don't want to see in the starting lineup are Gregor Blanco or Rajai Davis. That is the equivalent of Austin Jackson and a huge step down from Nori Aoki (ouch!)

    Simlarly, we have a productive hitter relegated to a bench role in Jeff McNeil with a Mendoza line hitter who couldn't stay healthy manning 3B.

    Then we have the idiotic contract to Jason Vargas as an albatross around the neck of the organization where a much better starter could be imported and turning Vargas into a mop-up man and spot starter.

    Then we have the issue of the bullpen where there are still a myriad of quality pieces available on the FA market, but hey, if BVW can turn bad contracts like Vargas, Frazier and/or Lagares into a quality reliever, I'll buy the champagne.

  5. Once Brodie traded for Cano, the Mets cannot stop. Personally, I would take Machado over Harper but the Mets need to become a great team because that's what it will take to win it all.

    Failure to do this only means that the Wilpons BS us all again. I don't know if the Syndergaard trade rumors were real or not, but if they were, that is one wrong signal to send to the fans. It means they are trying to trade for pieces because they have no payroll flexibility.

  6. Reese,

    Mendoza line hitter who can play 1B, 2B, 3B, RF and is affordable and would be a good bench player.


  7. The sad thing is they’re going to end up having traded two #1 picks, one of whom, while a long way off, is likely to be a beast, and taken on five years of a fuy who may still be playable for two, but will fail to spend the additional money needed to really contend for a championship. Is the team better on paper now than heading into last season? Yes. Is the organization in better shape overall? Debatable.

  8. Jeff's got the plan of the day going forward. Hoorah for Jeff!

    Adam won't be going on cano-ing trips this season.

  9. Wilpons, as Viper said, need to continue to SPEND...AND STOP BEING WILPONS!
