

Tom Brennan Mets Site Top 30 Prospects - Relievers

Tom Brennan Mets Site Top 30 Prospects - Relievers

This is the second of a series, in which I review and critique the Mets' website list of its top 30 prospects, 3 of whom are relievers.

Here are my thoughts on the Mets' site's ratings of those 3:

# 22 - Steve Nogosek

Steve has a shaky season in A and AA, at 1-1, 4.99 ERA, but settled in on the Mets' prospect list at # 22 nonetheless.

This was no doubt at least in part to his 60 rated FB, with a 50 for both his slider and cutter, and 45 for his change and control.  

The control being as high as a 45 is frankly very puzzling, since he walked a very high 39 in 52 IP.  In subsequent Arizona Fall League action, he walked 6 more in 7.1 innings. Seems more like a below-top-30 ranking performance to me in terms of real control issues.  He needs to pull it together in that regard - a lot - to progress.

# 26 - Eric Hanhold

The power throwing righty had a 65 rated FB, 50 on the slider and control, and just a 45 average rating - hmm.  He was 3-1, 2.69 in 30 non-Vegas innings, and 2-2 with a 7.11 ERA in 19 Vegas innings.  Given his high heat, probably about the right ranking.

# 28 - Bobby Wahl

A high heat dude with a 70 FB, a 55 curve and a 40 on both control and change up, I admit to being a little puzzled why he is not # 22 and not Nogosek.  

First, I am puzzled that his walk rate (19 in 45 innings) was half that of Nogosek, yet Nogo had a higher control rating of 45 vs. Wahl's 40 (huh)?

Also, in 45 innings, Wahl was 4-2, 2.20 with a whopping 73 Ks.  He'd be ranked in my low 20's, or higher, once I make up my own top 30 list, based on those #s and that searing fastball.  Maybe this guy can be the next Bobby Parnell, when he was the good Bobby.

A little puzzled, to say the least, that Matt Blackham and Brooklyn's Ryley Gillam and Kevin Smith did not crack the top 30 before Steve Nogosek, not to pick on the guy.   Matt, Ryley, and Kevin all had fine 2018 seasons. 

I also think that if Tony Dibrell does not remain a starter, he'd be a better long term prospect in the pen than Nogo based on Tony's fine 2018 season.

Still to come - my take on the Mets' site prospect top 30 infielders and outfielders.


  1. Good analysis, Tom. Why isn't Bashlor on your list, though? He was one of your faves in '18, wasn't he

  2. Bill, thanks.

    I consider Bashlor a bona fide major league back end of pen arm now. If not, he would be in my top 10-15 prospects list. He held his own after a big jump.

  3. Bill, Bashlor's last 9 Mets outings, 8.1 innings, 12 Ks, 2 runs, He turned that corner really nicely.

    He has work to do, but he came on strong there.

  4. Bashlor should start in Syracuse to master his control

  5. Reese, I hope these pitchers work on fixing their stuff in the off season, hope he is self-fixed b spring training
