

Mack – New Weekly Post

I’ve pretty much become only an administrator on my own site. Oh yeah, I put together the cut and pasted ‘From The Desk’ posts and I handle the information regarding the draft, but past that, you don’t see much original content coming from my laptop.

We do have four different primo writers here that give things a different spin:

          Reese Kaplan is our house Debbie Downer. ‘Dr. Kap’ can instantly turn a 50 home run hitter into an also ran and he’s never met a Mets manager he didn’t loath.

          Tom Brennan is the eternal optimist. The 367th top player on his prospect list has shown ‘promise’ and he can’t get through a week without singing the praise about either Tim Tebow or Jeff McNeil.

          Mike Friere goes both ways… err… let me re-phrase that. He’s the closest thing we have to a sabermetrics guy and shows all sides of a featured player in his posts, leaving all of us to decided how to respond.

          And Tony Plate  is your rip and read old school newspaper guy who is in the witness protection program after a long and heralded career in the New York Mafia. Wait. Did I just bust him out???

          As for me, I’m just a curmudgeon wise ass who has probably pissed off as many people as I have friends. But like the four guys mentioned above, we all share the same general theme.

We love the Mets.

I’m going to return to writing a weekly column about things in my mind and always 100% about baseball and the Mets. I’m going to move some of the posts and steal back the time of Monday 10am fixed. This will follow Reese and probably proceed something from Tom.

I don’t have much to say today since I am writing this on the Sunday morning before today’s posting.

But I will say this...

I think our new General Manager has built a solid, experienced team and only lost a couple of primo prospect chips in the process. Will I miss Justin Dunn and Jarred Kelenic? Of course I will. But there also was a time that I never thought I could live without players like Fernando Martinez, Lastings Milledge, and Jordany Valdespin

What the Mets need to do now is review their top prospects and their projected ETA dates. Are there solutions in the near future for roster slots?

Remember… unless new contracts are signed, the Mets will tip their caps to Todd Frazier, Juan Lagares, Jason Vargas, Zack Wheeler, and Travis d’Arnaud at the end of the 2019 season.

We really only will have two ‘red chips’ ready on opening day 2020… SS Andres Gimenez and SP David Peterson.

2021 has a much heralded arrival… SP Thomas Szapucki, Anthony Kay, and Jordan Humphreys… RP Ryley Gilliam… and SS Shervyn Newton .
It’s obvious that the Mets are stacked up with starters and shortstops (that could be converted to second or third), but what it doesn’t have is any outfielders and only one currently projected reliever.

Second, third, and catching are covered through 2020, what with the addition of Robinson Cano, Jed Lowrie, and Wilson Ramos.

Attention Syracuse and Binghamton relief pitchers and outfielders:

You need to step it up this year what with the addition of Brodie in the house. This guy is not going to wait too long for your game to fall back in line.

Stop whatever you are doing wrong and get on a planned schedule of diet, exercise, and practice until camp opens up.

Once the camps open, be the first at the complex fence and the last to leave.

And when April rolls around, no matter what team you are assigned to, give us the best you have.

This may be your last time guys.


  1. Especially it will be the last time for guys named Smith, Cecchini, Thompson and others who never were able to push to the next level. I have a feeling Luis Guillorme is in that group as well.

  2. Great intro column for this new post. Look forward to the future ones.

    Reese mentions on the cusp guys. All I can say is if one of your 5 tools is a 20, the off season is the time to double it up to 40. A 20 might have worked in 1968. It doesn't work in 2019 baseball.

  3. I don't mind controlable AAAA affiliate filler and the more recognizable they are the better it is for affiliate attendence, but do not be surprised at some of the guys Brodie will release when lower level chips start to rise.

  4. Reese

    I give Thompson a push in 2018.

    All he has done wrong so far is break his hand.

    However, you are right. 2019 is critical for him especially because I anticipate Newton being converted to the corner soon.

  5. Mack,
    Where do you see Mark Vientos in the Mets future?

  6. Mack -

    Right now, he is the top third base prospect but his ETA is 2022.I believe he is for real and a true power bat.

    His problem is Sheryren Newton, the 6'4" SS who hits for power and will never stay at short. His ETA is one year ahead of Mark.

    Good problem down the road.

  7. Mack, do we all now have to post pictures of our early long haired days?

  8. I will attempt to find one. If I find it, it is going up.

  9. I don't know about long hair. I'll settle for finding one of myself having hair.

  10. People have assumed that I was playing my guitar in this picture.

    Actually I was changing a lens on my Canon FTB

  11. Mack, I just showed your picture to my gf. She put on her glasses and asked why is there a picture of me on this blog. I can't convince her it is not me. Identical everything!

  12. I try to be modest.

  13. if we get 2 years out of Cano where we dont constantly complain about how overpaid he is i'll consider it best case scenario. I would expect 1, maybe 2 if we are lucky, by 3 im hoping he goes back to the peds and its over.

  14. Robb, if you get ticked off with Cano, remember to smile a little when Edwin is killing folks in the 9th inning.
