

Baseball is Homer Crazy

Baseball is "Homer crazy."

The numbers speak for themselves.

Not too many years ago, the Yankees had the team homer record for quite a few years, at 240.

The Mets have hit 166 homers, and are on pace to hit 236 after Tuesday's game. (170 after Wednesday's game, but who's counting LOL)

That pace has them FOURTEENTH in the team homer rankings.

Leading the pack is the Minnesota Twins squad, which is on pace for 320 homers.  Insane!

TEN teams are on pace for 247 or more.

Only 6 teams are on pace for less than 200.

The average team is on pace for 225 homers.

Is that good for baseball, or not?

I will say this much: 

I am enjoying the heck out of the Mets hitting homers.  Pete, Conforto, McNeil and the rest.  And I hated those seasons around 1980 where the Mets were hitting just 60 homers per year.

The flip side is the Mets have allowed 144 homers, a 205 homer pace.  But a +31 in homers allowed is a positive.

Thank heavens we don't root for the Orioles, though, who have allowed 229 homers already, and are on pace to allow 328 homers, or incredibly more than 2 per game.


  1. After another miserable homer-laden outing by its pitchers last night, the Orioles are on pace to surrender 333 homers.

  2. How much will this diminish Alonso's records? He has a pretty good shot at leading baseball in HR's which for a rookie is amazing. I'm curious to how he will compare to McGwire (played in the Coliseum) and Judge (played in Yankee bandbox) if you factor in ballparks and league wide HR rates.

  3. The ball being juiced up is the reason for the home runs galore which is fine for the game as long as the pitching staff of the same team doesn't give up as many home runs.
