

Mack – FWIW – Coronavirus Edition - Daily Thoughts 4-13/14-2020

Good morning.

Jon Heyman - @JonHeyman     

Beautiful tribute to Anthony

Cherí Golub - @cherigolub

To many Anthony Causi is a famous photographer but to me he’s my lifelong friend who picked up his 1st camera when we were 12 & students at @twain239. He was larger than life & loved his wife & children with all he had. This world will never be the same.

Mike Vaccaro - @MikeVacc

Anthony J. Causi was gifted, gregarious and owner of one of the grandest hearts many of us will ever know. That heart was stilled Sunday. His impact, and his many kindnesses, will last forever.

Mack – My prayers go out to Anthony’s family, especially his Uncle Joe that I worked with back in the day.

Garrett Broshuis - @broshuis

     To MiLBers (and others) re the $1200 stimulus check from the gov't: if for some reason you didn't file a tax return in 2018 or 2019 (maybe your income was below $12,200), your payment may be delayed unless you go to the IRS's website to enter your info:

John Sickels - @MinorLeagueBall

We don't even know if people who get sick then recover become permanently immune. Given the behavior of other coronaviruses like the various common cold bugs, it may not be possible to be permanently immune.

Bottom line: without an effective vaccine, this event must fundamentally alter the way our entire society works. This is a civilization-changer, but whether that is for better or worse, it is far soon to tell. This is the biggest stress test for the world since 1945.

Trying to think of something positive to say about baseball. Got nothin'.  Even if they get the MLB season going in empty stadiums in Florida and Arizona, I don't see how the minor leagues reopen anytime before July and maybe not at all until 2021.

But that ties into my general pessimism about the pandemic itself. Without an effective and widely-distributed vaccine, which is at least a year away. I don't see how reopening the economy can be done without killing thousands and thousands of people in waves of infection.

John Sickels - @MinorLeagueBall

I agree, no minors this year is the most likely outcome. Honestly, I haven't focused on the draft at all. Seems pointless.

               ChefCarlCasperVEVO - @GoddTill

               i don't think we're getting minor league ball this year.

               Who should the Tigers take at 1-1?

Mike White - @mwhiteburgh

     American Legion baseball is played after the high school season. But today, American Legion officials canceled the entire season for all of Pennsylvania because of coronavirus.


  1. It's a very strange period when major league players are competing in simulated online games, folks indulge their fantasies of how things might have gone if the games were played and minor leaguers who barely survive as it is will see their compensation coming to an end. At least today MLB decided to pay their own employees some money between now and the end of May by taking a 35% cut from the executives' multi-million dollar salaries.

  2. Sad state of affairs. What if they start playing games under extreme restrictions and a few guys get sick anyway? Who quarantines? The players would need daily testing, at a minimum.

    NY is still drastically short of testing capacity. It is more important to get NYC semi-operational than restart baseball. I highly doubt I have ever had it, but would love to get tested to really know. A functional NY is critical to critical to the US economy reviving.

  3. Reese, wealthy baseball players should GOFUNDME for their minor leaguers brethren.

  4. I think the majority of minor leaguers think MLB is suggesting they participate in the lesser know GOF*CKME.
