

Mack – COVID Testing


Good morning.



A lot of people have received a tremendous amount of blame on their handling of the attempts to block, contain, and end the dreaded COVID virus. Passing the buck always is prevalent when people can’t deliver the goods fast enough to the liking on the general public.


Now, it seems like it is baseball’s turn to screw up the soup.


Testing companies seem to be unable to get the on-time results of individual testing back to the players. One team actually cancelled their scheduled debut practice because the players didn’t know whether they were safe or not.


Baseball has had since March to figure out this procedure, designate the testers, and set the guidelines. March. It’s now July. Come on, man.


What would do if you were a player under these conditions? What if you had money in the bank, your health, and a brand new baby in the bedroom next to yours? My choice would be easy.


Hey baseball. Don’t screw this up. You will lose what season you call this if the players don’t feel like you are doing enough to keep them safe.



  1. Testing is Step One. No excuses there. If I were rich, I’d sit out.

  2. Apparently Freddie Freeman is both positive and now planning to sit out.

  3. Unfortunately, it's not just baseball. All businesses and communities have been aware of the problem since early winter and yet when the 4th of July came there were pictures all over of big crowds at beaches (without masks and without social distancing), fireworks displays (ditto), and the like. Restaurants can't open in many places yet they expect baseball somehow to be magically exempt from the issues facing everyone else.
