

Mike's Mets - Deadlines Everywhere


Ken Rosenthal had a piece at The Athletic today that cited an unnamed rival executive predicting the Mets would be a "surprising player" at the August 31 trade deadline this year. The reasons cited were the money saved when Yoenis Céspedes and Marcus Stroman opting out, plus Brodie Van Wagenen's supposed desperation to save his job. While I suppose anything can happen, I don't put much stock in the predictions of anonymous sources. I don't think the Mets will be all that aggressive at this deadline for several reasons:
  • I don't think the team has money to burn because two fairly well paid players opted out. The Wilpons were struggling even before the pandemic closed off some revenue streams.

  • I don't think Van Wagenen is as desperate as sometimes depicted. He's a Stamford graduate who was a very successful sports agent. If the Mets fire him, he goes back to being a rich, successful agent. Where does the desperation supposedly come from?

  • Putting aside the Cano deal for now, the Stroman deal looks bad because the Mets gave up two good pitching prospects to get a few starts out of Stroman. Does BVW give up valuable prospects now for a run at the playoffs that might not even happen if COVID shuts the game down?

  • If Van Wagenen really does want to keep his job, looking like he's making moves to keep his job would probably only work against him. If I was the rich guy purchasing the club, I wouldn't look favorably on that.
Even Van Wagenen seemed to indicate that big deals were unlikely, being quoted from a zoom call with reporters earlier in the day:
"I think the aggressive approach we've taken in the past is not something we will eliminate from a possibility, but we recognize we've got a 30-game season effectively — less than that — once the trade deadline comes and goes and so we have to be responsible for the future of the organization and still be opportunistic in ways to improve the club."
Now I'm not sure what he means by being "opportunistic", but that shouldn't involve trading important prospects. Some people were worried that putting some of the young top prospects onto the 60-man roster tipped that Van Wagenen was looking to trade them, but he could have traded any of them anyway without putting them on the roster by using the "player to be named later" designation in a deal. So putting them on the 60-man was just assuring that they would get some supervised development this season.

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  1. The thing I worry about is that Brodie may not care if he is fired by a new owner.

    He may come to the conclusion that this will be his only GM gig so why not trade away some more chips for a loaner.

  2. I worry a little about that, but does he really want something like that to be his legacy as a GM? That's my hope in this situation

  3. His legacy is failure right now. Consequently he can live with that or he can try to turn it around one more time. I am thinking the latter.
