

Tony Plate - Is A-Rod the Favorite to Buy the Mets?



On Sunday, there was news that the Wilpons are getting ready to sell their team to both A-Rod and J-Lo. 

As for Steve Cohen there have been complaints filed against his hedge fund by former and current female employees, which is unfortunate. Cohen isn’t bothered by what he calls the misinformation being put out there.

The sale of the Mets to Steve Cohen in which he agreed to purchase 80% of the team for $2.6 billion, fell through back in February. 

The problem was that Cohen grew concerned about not having control over the direction of the franchise. If you’re going to invest that much money into a team you would expect team control over the direction. The Wilpons became bitter after the situation of what took place in February went public.

 One person close to the situation thinks that Jeff Wilpon hates Steve Cohen. He still has the most money to buy the team, which in the eyes of the Met fans is solace and a way to save the franchise. Cohen would prefer that A-Rod acquires the team, which sounds like he would be the favorite to acquire the team, or Wilpon visualizes Cohen paying double the offer.

The situation has been a soap opera with different potential buyers coming close, but having the deal fall through at the end. The Wilpons’ may have to go down on the price if they want to find a taker. 

In my opinion, what’s making it hard for them to make a deal the most next to the pandemic situation is they really don’t want to include SNY as part of the deal, which was the case with Cohen.

All of the remaining potential buyers were able to get a close look at the Mets financial picture, which one source thought was brutal. After viewing how bad the team’s financial picture was, the group of Josh Harris and David Blitzer has decided to offer a lower amount than other parties. One insider said the Wilpons will wait to see if Cohen or A-Rod can’t get it done.

They won’t overpay now that they’ve also seen the situation, they would be getting into meaning the potential buyers can leverage the situation to buy the Mets for the lowest possible price. In my opinion, the Wilpons’ should include SNY if they want to get a deal done now.


  1. I wrote this yesterday on Twitter.

    You have to disregard all these different stories you read about the impending sale.

    Newspapers work in only one way. Editors tell their reporters to write something with a different spin that was written in a competing newspaper. It would be stupid if 4 different NYC reporters from 4 different rags wrote the same story.

    The bids have been delivered and are sealed.

    The profit and loss sheets of the team have been shared.

    The final decision will be after 8-31.

    And the only people that have any idea where this will wind up are the current owners and their financial adviser, Allen & Co.

  2. I’m praying for it to be Cohn. We suffered enough and he may be the only one that can get us away from the little brother mentality that we have going on here in NY.
    We pay outrageous prices to go watch a game so we might as well have someone that will spend not keep the money in his pockets.

  3. Interesting that A-Rod and J-Lo plucked down 60 mil yesterday on a new home in Miami.

  4. Think about that, Mack. $60 MILLION on a home.

    God bless America.

  5. Wouldnt doubt A fraud planted Cohen harrassment story. He's an incredible narcissistic pig that would do anything to get his way. He's against players making competitive salaries after he made his$0.5 billion. He doesnt have the $$ for majority ownership but wants control of the team. Watch the steroid " Dr" movie. I could go on and on. Crap he pulled when playing. Been an avid fan since day 1 but if they become owners......?

  6. You would think that they would set aside most of that money to purchase the team instead of putting that much money on a house.
