

Remember1969: Who Won? Deals of History 1965- 1966


Mets Trades through the years:  Who won?

November 1965 through October 1966

 Notes:  Ken Boyer was the biggest name on this list, but obtaining Jerry Grote was the biggest success.   Other than that, I got nothin'.   This is not my era and I don't know these guys and got crunched for time to do much research.    Post your comments and any stories you may have about them.

(1)  New York Mets traded Tom Parsons to the Houston Astros for Jerry Grote  (Oct 19, 1965)

(2)  New York Mets traded Al Jackson and Charley Smith to the St. Louis Cardinals for Ken Boyer  (Oct 20, 1965)

(3)  New York Mets traded Joe Christopher to the Boston Red Sox for Ed Bressoud  (Nov 30, 1965)

(4)  New York Mets traded Gary Kroll to the Houston Astros for John Weekly  (jan 06, 1966)

(5)  New York Mets traded Bobby Klaus, Wayne Graham and Jimmie Schaffer to the Philadelphia Phillies for Dick Stuart  (Feb 22, 1966)

Trivia:  Even in 1966, the Mets didn't seem to care a lot about defense.  Dick Stuart was known as one of the worst fielders ever - Dr. Strangeglove or The Man with the Iron Glove were a couple of his nicknames.     55 years later . . 

November 1964 through October 1965

(1)  New York Mets traded Dick Smith to the Los Angeles Dodgers for Larry Miller  (Oct 15, 1964)

(2)  New York Mets traded Elio Chacon and Tracy Stallard to the St. Louis Cardinals for Johnny Lewis and Gordie Richardson  (Dec 08, 1964)

(3)  New York Mets traded George Altman to the Chicago Cubs for Billy Cowan  (Jan 15, 1965)

(4)  New York Mets traded Frank Lary to the Chicago White Sox for Jimmie Schaffer  (Jul 08, 1965)

(5)  New York Mets traded Jesse Gonder to the Milwaukee Braves for Gary Kolb  (Jul 21, 1965)

(6)  New York Mets traded Billy Cowan to the Milwaukee Braves for Lou Klimchock and Ernie Bowman  (Aug 05, 1965)


  1. I always missed Tom Parsons.

    Seriously, the Grote trade ranks right up there as one of top 5 ever by this team.

    I predict that Lindor will be the same kind of game changer.

  2. Whoa wait a minute Charlie Smith was Wright lite for 64 and 65 for awful teams so let give him some love here.
