

Tom Brennan -Tiki, Tierney on Lindor; Implant Success; and C Jonah Heim

I swallowed a crown, but thankfully, not one like this. 

"This here game is 90% dental."

"Getting the Mets to win is like pulling teeth."

I went to the dentist on May 18, to get two crowns implanted, the final step in the implant process.

While preparing to connect the first crown, my dentist, well, he turned into Stone Hands Chuck Hiller. 

He fumbled the crown out of his fingers and, whoops, right down my throat. Couldn’t cough it out.  Down, down, down the esophagus it went.

That day, an X ray was taken, and in a few hours, it had already moved to my intestines.  I’ve since been scanning through “the output pile” for a few weeks, so to speak, in search of that hiding crown, with as much success as the Mets draft team in identifying quality draft picks, so chances were, it logically seemed, that my intestines “DFA’d the crown”, so to speak.  

(Got that 2nd X-ray on Tuesday, and not the news I was hoping for - the sucker is still hanging out in there in my gut, "overlying the cecum" - SMH. Time to reach out to my gastro doc for a DFA game plan).

Anyway, Rick Reed was happy to note that the replacement crown the dentist did install fits perfectly, so the “right field” of my mouth is fully fixed. Left field? Well….Repairs are still needed.  I may go to someone other than Stone Hands for those.

Driving home from the dentist, I was listening to Tiki and Tierney on WFAN, and they were discussing Francisco Lindor, and one of them expressed his view that Lindor's bat has slowed down a bit. And that has Lindor at the plate guessing more, and pressing more, and presumably stressing more. I know when I eat at a buffet, I normally have no plate discipline either, so I can relate.

Anyway, Tiki and Tierney got me to thinking: 

Lindor has 8.6 years left on his ten year contract, so he is still owed the modest sum of $300 million.  8.6 years with a slowing bat???? 


Noticing that Mr. injury himself, Jacob deGrom, and his Texas Rangers lead the majors in scoring, I looked at their stats for the first time this year.  Through Monday, their catcher, Jonah (who?) Heim, has 46 RBIs in 51 games, in large part because he is an astonishing 23 for 45 with runners in scoring position this season.  He was just a .210 hitter lifetime with decent power going into this year.

He was also the 129th pick in the 2013 draft. What did the Mets do instead?

The Mets, picking 117th, went with slap-hitting L.J. Mazzilli. A no-tools guy with name recognition. 

The round before, they picked toolsey but whiffy Ivan Wilson at #76. 

Two absolute duds, instead of the still-available Jonah Heim, who is now a star catcher.  

Don’t rationalize here, my dear reader, thinking the annual draft is simply a hit-or-miss crapshoot. If you think that, put on a blindfold and throw darts blindfolded. 

When they picked Sonny Boy Mazzilli, at the time, I thought “what REAL prospect might they have chosen, instead of appeasing Papa Lee by picking Sonny Boy?”  You probably thought the exact same thing.  The correct alternative answer would have been Jonah Heim.

Mack pre-draft in 2013 listed his top 266 prospects. He had Ivan the Terrible at # 129, 2 rounds more conservative than the Mets picked him at, and Heim went to Baltimore at # 179. 

Mazzilli? Mack had as his last and final listed player, at 266, which would have made L.J. a 10th rounder, far more appropriate.  

And Mack probably had him ranked lower, but just wanted to add some pizzazz to his article, so he got the name Mazzilli in there.

The Mets, of course, always had a huge over-abundance of stud catchers, so they skipped Heim for that reason. Joshing, of course.

Back to Nido (an 8th rounder in 2012).  It is clear that if Nido now goes to Texas, he too will become a hitting machine. Leave the Mets, and of course, you hit like the dickens. With the Mets, instead, the way guys hit sickens.


Uptrending. Hit .213 in April, .269 in May, .286 so far in June for Brooklyn. Just 9 for 45 with runners in scoring position so far, though, and 16 for 98 in caught stealings. After a really bad CS start, something like 0 for 17, he has thrown out about 20% since. Getting there.


Fellow MM writer, the astute “Savage”, noted walks seemed high in the Mets minors.  As always, astute…

Here is the deal, as of a few days ago…

Syracuse: 491 innings, 273 walks. 5 walks per 9 innings. 6th of 19 teams.

Binghamton: 429 innings. 215 walks. 4.5 walks per 9 innings.

Brooklyn: 442 innings, 230 walks. 4.7 walks per 9 innings.

St Lucie: 418 innings, 261 walks. 5.5 walks per 9, worst in the FSL.

979 walks in 1,790 innings in total, or 4.9 walks per 9. Lots of walks.

Maybe some of these pitchers should take a friggin' walk.

One walking contributor here is Jace Beck. The 6’9” 22nd rounder in 2019 had a very normal brief 2019 debut, with 8 innings, 10 Ks, one walk. In 2021, he was wild. Last 2 seasons, 2022 and 2023, he has fanned 57 and walked 32 in 35 innings. Can the about-to-turn 23 year old tame the “bases on balls beast” within him?  Because those Ks look mighty good.


We have two Juniors in the minors - Santos and Tilien. 

How are they playing?  Not like Whoppers. Like juniors, though.

SANTOS: In AA...3-4, 6.18 ERA, 64 hits allowed, just 33 Ks in 51 IP.

 - 21 yr old pitched great when he was 16 in 2018, but very hittable since.

TILIEN: Low A....240, 3 HRs, 17 RBIs in 46 games.  

 - He hit 3 HRs in one game last year, this year it takes 46 games? 

May they henceforth play more like Seniors.


This just in from Steve Brennan: "Mets suck."  He's always right, I find.


Mets’ top hitter going into Wednesday?

Nimmo, at .288. 

Luis Arrauz, meanwhile, is hitting .401 for the Marlins.


Mets bobbed and weaved for the first 3 weeks despite key injuries, and 21 games into 2023, they were a nice but shaky 14-7.

Since then, 16-25. Not Comforting.  

But ask any Mets fan - the Mets will no doubt go 60-41 the rest of the way to end up 90-72.  

And don't you dare suggest otherwise.  

If you do, you're obviously not a REAL Mets fan.

With Pete’s wrist contusion, can Vientos start at first today? Or will Pete just play?  Heck, Pete kept playing after his pickup truck was broadsided and flipped 3 times a few springs back, what’s a little 96 MPH-caused contusion, anyway?


On Facebook recently, I made many well-reasoned arguments why Gary Sanchez should be brought up from AAA and retained.  He had 24 doubles, 16 HRs, 61 RBIs for the Twins last year, and got on base 19 of 37 times for Syracuse.  No matter.  He sucks, most said.  Don't confuse me with rational thought.

Well, he quickly became San Diego's # 1 catcher.  Thru the first 9 games with them, .321/.387/.821.   4 HRs, 9 RBIs.

"He still sucks."  You just can’t convince the obstinate and foolish.

Glad we kept Nido for another 3 or 4 days, instead, aren't you?


Our Big Baby Trio, hitters Baez, Fanas, and Juan, in FCL, are a combined 4 for 35 so far. Nido their hitting coach? Yuk. 


Syracuse and Binghamton games canceled due to bad, forest fire air. Terrible Wednesday on L.I. Hopefully it will improve today. Dudley Dooright better get off his duff in Canada and DO SOMETHING.


  1. Good article. It is nice to read an article based on stats and obvious facts and not on overly optimistic, blind wishes. The Mets are STILL a mess from the very top to the bottom. Please, Mr. Cohen, wake up and see what is really going on.

  2. Les, thanks, and things are bleak. I would DFA Vogelbach. My guess is, due to his one dimensional nature, no one picks him up. He goes to minors and plays every day. If he is good enough, call him up or trade him then.

  3. The future is now and we should plan accordingly. Play the kids and see what we have. Not too early to look forward to next year.

  4. I don't think we have to worry about Nido going to another team and he starts hitting. The guy can't hit. Someone might pick him up as a defense only back up since the catcher position in MLBis weak overall

  5. Right move let Sanchez go to bring up Nido to then release him and instead of Dhing Sanchez lets play Vogelbach????? Who's making these decisions anyway. My biggest beef is we're a laughing stock and when it comes to Atlanta who has owned us 6-10 at Fulton County 67-106 at Turner and 22-32 at Truist it's embarrassing and I just wonder what SC really thinks about this and what he will do. I'm also thinking with our AARP team that last year was probably "our year" one and done so what's next Steve?

  6. I guess the upside is we didn't spend half a billion dollars on DeGrom and Correa.

  7. Gary, Atlanta is our Daddy. Before that, the Nats were our Daddy. Before that, the Phillies. Before that, Atlanta. The Mets are perennial losers, sad to say. I would DFA Vogelbach. Do something different.

    Some lug on Facebook won’t simply admit he was wrong about Sanchez and Nido. Stupidity can blind someone to simple facts. Pride stands in the way of admitting one is wrong.

    The NY AARPs? Perfect name

  8. Apesquat, one always wonder if a player’s escape from the ballpark closest to Rikers will revive the guy. JD Davis and Paul Sewald and Jim Hickman and Dave Kingman come to mind. The list is long. Nido is not talented enough to join that list.

  9. Ray, gotta go with the kids. We do of course catch a break, as Judge moves to IL, and we play them next week. But sink or swim with the kids.

  10. So much to digest here...just not a tooth.

    I feel bad for Vogey with everyone calling for his head. He was good once. May be again. But not right now. So sit him down, let him collect his thoughts while Mark Vientos proves that he can handle the DH slot from both sides. What do you have to lose? 32 more games?

  11. How did our "crack front office" miss being in on Luis Arraez? He was traded for 2 minor leaguers and Pablo Lopez for a guy who's 26 and his lifetime avg is .326 with a .384 OBP and more walks 156 than K's 142 and an All-Star last year. I'm sorry but doesn't someone need to answer for missing that opportunity to at least make an offer does anyone know if we did or not? To think we were going to give Correa who did these very unimpressive numbers last year: 22 HR 64 RBI .291 avg. and 121 K's to 61 walks what was it 300 million thats' crazy and not how to build a team long term any thought'a guys?

  12. Gary,
    I think that one of the Mets problems is our GM's inability to identify and acquire players such as Luis Arraez. He seems to want to trade for older players with histories that make them look good on paper, but unfortunately are on the downside. This team has to get younger and a heck of a lot more talented.
    Is there a GM available that can do that?

  13. Well the GI guy suggests a laxative. Once I can go outside without ruining my lungs, I'll pick some up.

  14. Gary, I have written over and over and over again (tip of the cap to Dave Clark 5) that older players degrade, and sometimes very quickly. I'd trade half the team for that young Cincy 5 tools guy.

    I touch on another very big miss besides Arruez in the AM.

  15. Ask yourself if you would trade our team for the Marlins right now??? I just don't think they would do it even if we threw in some serious cash to sweeten the pot. By the way Arraez is free agent this winter and adding him would make me Glad all Over!
