

Tom Brennan - the Absence-of-Edwin Factor

Ever so sorely missed.

Last year’s Mets pen was led by Sugar.

Edwin Diaz was MLB’s best reliever.

The Mets won 101 games last year in large part due to his 1.32 ERA and 32-35 in saves.

Plus his strikeout swagger, which emanated down through the pen.

The 2022 pen was 31-19, 3.55 ERA, with 41 of 56 saves, 10th in ERA, 4th in Ks.

The 2023 pen is 15-21, 4.20+ERA, WITH 23 of 35 saves,v20th in ERA, 24th in Ks.

Robertson, Ottavino and Raley have been the 2023 pen mainstays, allowing just 34 earned runs in 118 innings, a commendable ERA of 2.59.

The rest of the pen has allowed 129 earned runs in 231 innings, an unacceptable ERA of 5.03.

By this time in 2022, Edwin had thrown 42 innings, and at a 1.32 ERA rate, would have allowed 6 earned runs.

My guess is his 42 innings pushes out the 42 most marginal reliever innings of 2023, which probably totaled 26 earned runs at least. That would lower the entire pen ERA to about 3.65.

My guess also is his presence rather than theirs would have meant 5 to 7 more wins, so far. 

If so, this team would not be in sell mode. It would be amped up and all in.

Yes, the Edwin injury was a game-changer…and a season changer.

His absence has been pivotal.


The Mets and their pitchers have often lived in Panseyville when their hitters are used as piƱatas by opposing pitchers, with no payback.

Vientos hit on hand in 9th, then Alvarez nailed on the hand on the same pitch.  Pete’s similar hand injury in June no doubt aided and abetted their deep losing spiral. Last year, Marte’s similar hand injury led to the Braves winning the division by tie-breaker.



  1. Hindsight or not I'm forever feeling that if Verlander, Quintana and Diaz broke camp the Mets are in the playoffs race right now.

  2. Ernest, I agree. I have been shocked at the overall failure of Megill and Peterson to pick up the slack. But especially Edwin. He WAS 2022 for the Mets.

  3. Agree IF we broke camp with a healthy JV Max Q and Trumpet boy we're in the playoffs but even without the age factor when does that happen. Now JV Max and Q will of course be a year older next year meaning 41 39 and 35 or the Over the Hill Gang so knowing their probably going to pretty much stand pat at the deadline what are your thoughts on how next year plays out? On the HBP thing our HOF manager giving the opposition the snake eye isn't working so BUCK do something about it!

  4. Gary, gotta retaliate. Have to. I see no alternative to keeping the expensive aging duo. In retrospect, the Mets would have been far better served RE-signing Bassitt or Walker, and used the left over $25 million for 2-3 more excellent relievers.

  5. Yankees, unlike Mets, know how to build a pen. In 2022, despite Edwin and Ottavino, Yanks still had a 0.58 better ERA. This year, better by 1.01. You need a deeper pen, period.

  6. I feel for next year we need to get better starting pitchers. If we are stuck with Max and Justin then maybe we can trade Quintana at deadline and pick up a younger free agent starting pitcher. There are so good free agents on the market this winter. Maybe another Japanese pitcher, not the one with Los Angeles.

    We also should look for younger outfielders this winter who can replace Canha and maybe Marte.

  7. Raw, Marte has two years left. You can’t eat both. As for Showalter and his “turn the other cheek” mentality, you don’t retaliate against Atlanta and the rest of your division, and you’re going to against the cross town team? Doesn’t that look foolish? I believe in sticking up for yourself, but Buck doesn’t. I really don’t like how he manages. He may be better than Collins, but not too much.

  8. Sorry, that was me just now addressing Raw and the retaliation topic.

  9. Gus, it still in part comes down to your lead pitchers to lead. Scherzer has hit 14 this year and last. Verlander just one as a Met. deGrom in his last 3 Mets seasons hit 1 in 225 innings. That makes the Mets hitters target practice.

    In 2023, Mets again lead majors in HBP at 68. Braves? 32.

    Marte HBP cost them the Division last year. Alonso HBP May 1) cost them a Wild Card this year, and 2) trigger a sell off.

    So, cool, just sit there, fellas, and be target practice.

  10. Ray, HOF in Metsville = Hall of Failure

  11. By the way Tom, your premise in the article about Diaz’s injury being the domino effect that hurt this team seems perfect.

  12. Gus, Edwin was the lightning bolt throughout especially early 2022 that gave them swagger and a feeling they would always win. Gaping hole in 2023.

  13. Cmon guys Diaz was damn good but he pitched 60 innings,most of them in games they. We’re ahead How many games this year we’re lost in the 8th or 9 th inning?

  14. Woody, he was in one close game after another, destroyed his opponents, and gave them a swagger which lasted the whole season. This year, the pen has been weaker eough to sink the season. A Wild Card would be easy if he was pitching, and no team would be in danger of being dismantled.

  15. They don’t hit. That’s the biggest problem.
