

Paul Articulates – Make progress elsewhere

Mind if I talk about something other than Yoshinobu Yamamoto?  It seems like that has been the topic of the day every day since the outrageous Ohtani signing.

The New York Mets have some significant needs to be “competitive” in 2024.  They are looking for a corner outfielder, lots of relief help, and multiple starting pitchers.  Whether or not they are successful in signing that subject I am not talking about today, the other needs are still there.

So why wait?  I know that the traditional market tends to domino down from the top free agents to the next few tiers, but there is no need for the front office to wait to see how much change is left in their pocket.  They will have some left.  This became crystal clear when the Tyler Glasnow trade to the Dodgers and then the Lourdes Gurriel signing by the Diamondbacks was announced.

I would actually like to start in the bullpen.  The game has evolved to the point where even if you have premier starting pitching on the roster (remember 2023?), you still have to fill many innings to close out a victory.  It is not good enough that Edwin Diaz will be back to shut down opponents in the ninth inning – the team needs to get there with a lead.  

Even if the Mets sign two strong new starting pitchers, they will not have the kind of depth that gets them through bad days, injuries, and bad luck.  One cannot count on the pitching prospects coming up through the system to be there in 2024, so the only prudent approach is to sign a few long arms and a few arms capable of pitching the 7th and 8th innings.

Who do we have today?  Excluding closer Edwin Diaz and with undefined roles for Megill, Peterson, and Lucchesi, the Mets’ pen looks like this:

Other than Raley and Reid-Foley (who didn’t pitch much due to injuries), none of these guys had an ERA under four and only Tonkin had a WHIP under 1.25.  The career numbers don’t look much better with only one (Smith) under an ERA of four and two (Raley and Bickford) with WHIP under 1.25.

To strengthen the bullpen for the year ahead, I think the Mets front office should go after some quality relievers right away.  Some of the names that I like from the list of relievers who threw over 50 innings last year are listed in the table below.  

Many pitch in the NL Central, which has been very agreeable to trades with the Mets before – so go after them!  Of course, all of us would love to have Colin Holderman back, but I’m not playing favorites – all of these folks pitched well last year, have withstood the test of time, and may be available for the right trade chips – like an Omar Narvaez or the recently acquired Joey Wendle.  

None make an outrageous salary (except 38 year old David Robertson who I threw in there for fun).  Many are still under team control, so they would be acquired in trades, though some are free agents coming off one year deals (like Suter).

Have at it, mister Stearns – you have a few contacts in the NL central.  It will give you something to do while you are waiting for an answer from the guy we’re not talking about today.


  1. Long since time for Mets to either transition a couple top pitching prospects to pen or fully transition Megill/Luchessi/Peterson to it.

  2. One guy who has had a lower ERA than almost all on the list, and has proven that he can be successful here is strangely not on the list.
    I'd bring back Adam Ottavino, who is healthy and available.

    And I'd say the same for Robertson, who said publicly that he'd love to return here.
    Neither of them are looking for long-term deals, so there would be room for kids like Lavendar and Montes de Oca to move up if they are successful upstate.

    1. Besides Finnigan from Washington all the other players are on teams that feel they will be in the playoff hunt. So I don’t think you’re getting any of them until the trade deadline when the playoff picture is more clear.

      I agree with Bill. Money isn’t a stumbling block for this team anymore. Simple solution is bring back Ottavino and Robertson as Bill said they both like pitching here. But there are others like Matt Moore and Chapman that you can probably get on 1 year deals. And Hicks, Neris, Stephenson, and Matsui on 2 year deals. Outside of Hader I don’t think any RP’s are getting 3 or more year deals.

  3. BPs are very pet ant in the 2020s,almost as important as HRs.

  4. The Mets should focus their efforts on signing FA relief pitcher, Yariel Rodriguez. He clearly has shutdown stuff. Get it done, DS!!! There are certainly others who can be signed on a one-year split contract such as Alex Reyes and Drew Pomeranz. These are good arms when healthy. Risk/reward is high. But they wouldn't cost much, so the risk might be worth it for 2024.

    If the Mets do not obtain Yamamoto, they should clearly look for one-year bargains for 2024 and focus efforts on signing top FAs for 2025 when the quality of SPs is going to be as good as it gets!

  5. Maybe they should have held onto Vogelbach and tried to trade him for a reliever. One former GM was willing to do it

  6. Bill, as big an Oca proponent as I have been, we have to see how he comes back from Tommy John II first.

    If I am Lavender, I am smiling at this empty pen.

    Will Hartwig be better or worse in 2024? I think better.

    Smith? I like him. Not a great 2023, but the pen is empty.

    Mets are in a conundrum...spend for talent, stay over cap forever and get demoted on every first round for talent while giving up minors talent...or take a beating in 2024 and reset for 2025. The latter is risky as the best free agent players want to get huge bucks and go where they are most likely to win rings.

  7. Tom, I hold onto Alonso until Bellinger signs. Then, there aren’t any big bats left. Too, I drop down as much as I can and stop getting penalized. Then, I go for it. Soto, Cole, Yamamoto, Lindor, Alvarez, Nimmo, and Diaz. That’s my base. McNeil can join if he wants, but I could move him also. Mauricio getting hurt sucks.

  8. Mr. stearnes. spaghetti bull pens don’t often work, some of the spaghetti might stick but how long . Sign some legit guys for the BP.

  9. I’m thinking Stearnes is one of those elites who thinks he knows everything. I hope he sees your message and thinks about it.

  10. I’m thinking Kluber,Rosario, Hicks are on the horizon. Oooh boy,
