

SAVAGE VIEWS – I Wonder as I Wander

At this point of the season, I’m not sure if  I’m an Optimist or a Pessimist.  

Pre-season, I predicted that not only would the Mets be playoff bound but they would field a competitive team that would challenge the Braves and Phillies.  My optimism was fueled by the return of Diaz which would make the entire bullpen better but also the return of our core players to career norms.  I was also enthused by the hiring of Carlos Mendoza as someone who would bring energy to the clubhouse.

A quarter of the season is history and some things are evident.  

First of all, Diaz has not returned to being Diaz – he has gone from being the best closer in MLB to one of the worst.  Hopefully, his mechanics can be fixed and he becomes elite again.  In the meantime, he should be moved out of primetime. 

Nothing more needs to be said about the dismal seasons being endured by Lindor, Alonso and McNeil.  Recently, there have been discussions about moving in a different direction.  Lindor is an example of the fallacy of signing players to long-term deals.  As he gets older, it’s hard to envision him getting better.  Looks as though we’re stuck with him for the next few years.  

It’s a matter of time before Alonso is given his walking papers.  Recent experience in giving out extensions, see McNeil and Nido, should force us to shy away from Alonso.

Expectations are that in 2025 several notable prospects will be knocking at the door.  Gilbert, Williams, Acuna and Rameriz might be ready to take the leap with a healed Maurico in the picture as well.  While it’s hard to predict what will transpire between now and then, players such as Marte, Bader and Taylor might not be back.  Let’s not forget the wild card and potential off-season signings such as Soto.

At the moment Baty is the only third basemen on the active roster.  As much as I like Vientos as a player, his ability to field third base reminds me of another Dr. Strange-glove, Dick Stuart.  In one recent game I counted at least three miscues.  His bat does not make up for his fielding deficiencies.   I can see Mark taking over for Alonso at first when he leaves.

Most Met fans are delighted with the signing of JD Martinez.  I’m not one of them.  I thought Vientos had earned the DH spot out of spring training and the signing of JD sent the wrong message to our younger players.  Had Vientos been the DH since the start of the season, we might have won a few more games.  Our record with JD in the lineup has been less than stellar.

Hiring a manager with no previous managerial experience means going through some growing pains.  While I believe that Mendoza will work out in the long-term, he has made some decisions that have been costly. He’s shown a tendency to remove a SP at the first sign of trouble.  

Case in point, Quintana, up two zip, was taken out in the sixth after allowing two baserunners who were allowed to score by an overworked pen.  The idea that a SP must be removed if he is remotely near 100 pitches is absurd.  

Or having Vientos hit for Baty in the sixth because a lefty is pitching made no sense.  Putting in a defensively challenged player late in a game when said player will likely be facing a RH pitcher with the game on the line.  

Recently, he made the smart move of walking Harper leading off the 10th inning and the next batter hit into a DP.  Unfortunately, he did not learn his lesson as when the opportunity presented itself again, he let the leadoff batter hit, advanced the runner and another game was lost.

As Yogi used to say, “it’s getting late early”.  Let’s see what the coming week has in store for us.


May 21, 2024


  1. JD Martinez has been hitting when others seem to be quitting. How aggravated as a Mets fan am I? Spitting.

  2. Good post Ray

    There will be no problem moving either Alonso or JD for chips

    The same can't be said for McNeil or Marte

    My BLOW IT IP plan is being hindered by minor league injuries

    Does anyone have an ERA on Mauricio? Will he be really for winter league play?

    I agree with you on 3B. I've sa8d for years that all Vientos is will be a candidate for DH and 1B. As for Baty, I would move him and project Mauricio into this next year

    Now all I have to do is find a second baseman

  3. I am trying to be charitable and patient, but at some point with Baty you have to evaluate him as I have Megill and Peterson. You get a good game now and then but the long term numbers simply are not good. Give Vientos a real chance to play every day and see how he does, then figure out if he is a third baseman, first baseman or DH in the future.

  4. The problem with the Mets is one and the same for a long time. They want to buy a WS team while not having the proper core in the ML team. This normally doesn't work as you not only need this but also the proper backup players in the minor leagues who are talented and ready for prime time.

    The Mets need to get into their heads that the team of the future starts in the minor leagues by drafting properly and having the right coaches who can bring out that talent consistently.

    First priority for the Mets should be getting cheaper and under the payroll limit so that they can draft among the best prospects without being penalized.

    That means no Alonso and trading as many high salaried players as possible. Send a case of champagne to Alonso for not accepting the 158M contract while kissing your lucky stars.

    Obviously, the Mets are stuck with Lindor because they couldn't see the value of Andres Gimenez. Is Lindor 300M+ better?

    The Mets need players who will battle in every at bat, who have the never quit mentality. In other words, leaders.

    Where in this team do you see a Keith Hernandez? a Strawberry?, a Mitchel, Backman, Gooden, Carter?.

    What I see is the same old Mets. If they hit, they don't pitch. If they pitch, they don't hit. If they hit and pitch, they can't catch the ball. cross your fingers and hope for the best.

    Sorry to sound so negative, but I feel like I am watching groundhog day with this team.

  5. Viper other teams’ fans must laugh at us. You make MANY good points.

  6. Mack, this still the latest word I’m aware of on Ronny Mo: “ Mauricio underwent surgery in early January to repair a torn ACL in his right knee, which he injured during winter ball in the Dominican Republic. A typical return timetable for that operation is eight to 12 months, giving Mauricio an outside chance to rejoin the Mets in September. If not, he'll return in 2025.”

    - Perhaps Ernest sees him around and could amplify that.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Reese, baty has now hit an important milestone: 162 big league games.

    581 plate appearances.

    Negative 0.7 WAR.

    Should the Mets give him ANOTHER 162 games to start to figure it all out.

    Mack, Vientos might not be a good 3B, but until Pete leaves, I want Vientos to play. Just half the career plate appearances of Baty. Not a strong body of work so far, but seems to be past “tentative” to now being in “pissed” mode. Good. Let’s see him play pissed and see what we’ve got. He may not be the long term answer, but Baty has had so many more chances.

    Baty in April 2023 and April 2024, before the weight of a long season weighs in, 32 of 116 (.276), but past April in 2023 and 2024, 74 hits in 411 at bats, which is .180.

    As I think of comps, I think Baty is actually a re-run of Eric Campbell. Also briefly looked promising, did Campbell, but ended up with stats and WAR resembling Baty’s.

  9. Anyone have the lowdown on Paul Gervase in Binghamton. He appears to be in the closer's role; strikes a lot of guys out. Oh and he's huge. Is he a high velocity balls to the wall or more change of speeds? Are the Mets high on him?

  10. Right on, Ray! I am with you on all these points.

    Paul Gervase just came off the 7 day injured list. He has been looking very good this season, and once he gets his rhythm back, look for a promotion.

    1. OK, thanks. I'm gonna keep my eye on him

  11. At some point, Baty will figure it out. However, we're all losing patience.
