

Q&A with Mack and Eric Beaulac

Q&A With Mack:

Bulldog asked: Mack, whether the Mets want to admit it or not there was an incident with Tony and the B-Mets and getting a couple of players to say it is being overblown is not enough to acquit this guy. I do not know all the facts and I was not there, sounding like Obama now, but there was an incident that needs to be completely investigated.

Mack: Oh, there was an incident. But I think the fight with Frankie Rodriquez was far worse than a rough-and-tumble rah-rah meeting in Binghamton. Have you ever been to Binghamton? You'd rip your shirt off too and challenge someone. Seriously, in a good year, dinosaurs like this have to go. The world has changed and there is no place for these tactics anymore.

Stacy and Steve Wilson wrote: Hey Mack: I was wondering what do starters do between starts. I was wondering what kind of weight work, how much running, treadmill, etc. Do you know there full between start routine?

Mack: Steve and Stacy wrote me last week and I approached Mets SP Eric Beaulac (A-ball 6-5, 2.79) and asked him to respond:

Hey, what's up Mack? How are you?

Well, to start off, everyone is different. Everybody has different "routines" to make themself mentally and psychically prepared.

-Day 1: - after the game, you usually do a lot of thinking about negatives and positives on the game you just pitched in. Also what you learned and what you could do better for the next start (that’s the mental part or day 1). The physical part would be the flush run a pitcher does to get all of that acid out of your arm. You run for a good 25 minutes. The pace is up to you (personally I enjoy challenging myself so I set a time and distance i have to reach). So all and all ,you break a good sweat and get loose. Then you do legs and core at the gym that day.

-Day 2 You throw your bullpen and/or throw your long toss. After that we run sprints. The sprints are like basketball suicides so they are no joke. Then we do band work that works all of your major arm parts (rotator cuff, elbow, shoulder, etc.)

Day 3 We hit the gym again and do legs once again. Go to the field and do our sprints for distance, also core.

Day 4 pitchers do fast twitch agility and also short burst sprints. Mentally think about the approach you are going to go into the game with the next day.

Email me if you have any other question. Thanks.

Eric Beaulac

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