

David Wright's Comments

pic by Mack Ade
That's looking to predict the future, and I can't do that, and I won't do that, because it's the first day I've been back in camp. So I don't know how I'm going to feel tomorrow. I don't know how I'm going to feel the next day. I'll tell you that's my goal. I can't predict one way or another because what I don't want to do is try to do something and come back sooner than I should and it end up being a longer time. It's just a matter of how quickly my body responds to these treatments and how quickly I can get pain-free in that rib-cage area. It's not nearly as bad as it was. I can definitely feel it."

"I always play through whatever I can. It doesn't matter if it's the WBC or spring training or the regular season. I play through what I can tolerate playing through. And I could tolerate playing through it and I was fine with it. Once it got to the point where I thought it might obviously prohibit me from coming back and producing with the Mets, that's when it was time to make that decision. I feel like I have a pretty good sense of what's tolerable and what's not tolerable. Some of those things just kind of go away. If I needed to call somebody every time I felt something, I wouldn't play too many games, I don't think."

"There's a difference between being hurt and being injured. I think I know my body well enough. At the beginning it might have just been a little tweak here. It ended up being more than that."

"Of course I owe it to the Mets to be honest with them, and I was. Ultimately when I started going in and getting treatment for it, the Mets saw that and they called me. I was honest with how I was feeling. So I was on board 100 percent with the decision that they made. ... Once it got to the point where I started not being able to sleep, or when it was painful to lounge around, that's when obviously I started going to get treatment and talking to Ray and  Sandy and those guys. If anything, they were very appreciative of me being honest with them when I did. Sandy actually seemed just as disappointed as I was to have to get pulled from the tournament. He said it was fun to watch."

"You can get hurt in spring training. You can get hurt before spring training. Playing baseball, there's some risk that comes along with that, whether it's in Port St. Lucie or Arizona or Miami. ... I think everybody there was prepared. Unfortunately things like that happen. It has nothing to do with the tournament itself. It has everything to do with some bad luck. I don't think that we have any more injuries than anybody else.,


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