



Short article from me on a day stacked with great Macks' Mets articles and info.  Here goes:

At first take, it is bewildering how SO MANY THINGS could be going wrong with the Mets, and there they sit in first place at 24-20.  I'll give you one huge reason why, to lessen the bewilderment:


He is 1-1, with 9 for 9 in saves.  That 9th inning, where saves are earned or leads are blown, has been in lockdown.  He has kept the S.S. MET from sinking in stormy seas.

If Edwin was not superlative, the 24-20 Mets could easily be 20-24.

Edwin is pure SUGAR.


I advocate frequently for the electric Tylor Megill here.  But Tyler Pill is a former Mets minor league pitcher who very briefly got a cup o' Joe with the Mets.  He was a lot like a Jordan Yamamoto - low velocity.  Crafty.  46-38 as a minor league pitcher, briefly 0-3 as a Met.

He got up to bat in the minors, too, but very sporadically, since he was pitching in the minors in mostly DH leagues.  Look at any major leaguer scuffling and not playing much and they'll say: "Hard to get my timing right, playing sporadically and all."

Well, Tyler Pill flat out raked in the minors when he did get to occasionally, sporadically hit.  He raked in college, too.

The Mets parted ways with Pill the pitcher, while I suggested they try to make him into a position player.

In 2019, he did get used as a hitter by another franchise in AAA, and hit in the .230s as a right fielder briefly.  He also, when not pitching in college, played in the outfield.

We've had the law firm of Almora, Maybin and Lee hit 2 for 64 with 32 strikeouts.  "Hit" is clearly a misnomer here.

In the minors, playing sporadically, Pill was up 245 times.  He fanned just 35 times. Again, he did that playing sporadically.  Compare Pill results to the law firm.  Give me a Pill, thank you.

Despite sporadic hitting time, in the minors he hit .301/.358/.408.  Stop and admire.  Ok, proceed. aptly lists him as such: 

"Positions: Starting Pitcher and Rightfielder"

Steve Cohen, you're looking for tryouts?  

Try the 31 year old birthday boy out for the outfield.  If he is interested. Heck, he'd probably also be willing to pitch in blow outs, keeping Luis Guillorme off the mound.

Unlike the aforementioned law firm, Tyler can hit.  

He did the above incredible slash line in the minors.  And unlike the hordes in baseball these days, he rarely struck out.

As a former President once said, "What do you have to lose?"  

Steve, have Sandy give Pill a call.

This just in - Pill has CDC clearance, with an Emergency Use Authorization.  TRY THE PILL.


Fans on Facebook constantly post about what we can do to fix 3rd base.  Immediately, I see posts like "get Kris Bryant", even though the Cubs are 1/2 game out and 6 over .500. Unless the Cubs are suicidal that is:


If you might indulge me, I have a player to suggest...

While the Mets are hitting .224, the guy I'm thinking of is hitting .390/.479/.610 in limited action and is available very soon.  


That's JD Davis in 2021.

JD struggled in 2020 - let's drop that out of his Mets' numbers for a second.

In 2019 and 2021, he has hit a combined .315 in 451 at bats, with 25 doubles, 24 HRs, and a .380 OBP.

He could be a bit more clutch, I admit.  His fielding?  We'll see when he returns and isn't playing in games involving low wind-chill factors and frost bite.

Me?  I have no problem with J Double D at 3rd base when he soon return.

My ramblings are done.  Have a great day.  Stay dry.  

Take a Pill.  And Sugar.  And don't forget your double dose of Vitamin D.


  1. I've been saying the same thing about JD Davis for a long time. Villar's defense has been good and he is at least a ML hitter in the depleted lineup but JD can rake and the Mets need his thump in the order. His defense is not that bad and he worked, or so I hear, very hard at it this past ST.

  2. His defense is that bad!

  3. No, Anonymous, it isn't. What happens is if he makes an error bloggers and the media blow it up and amplify the mistake. A few days ago Villar made an error on a pretty routine play and I thought to myself "if this were Davis he would be crucified by the media and the blog world." Because it is Villar it was no big deal. You/We/Us/Media blow up everything Davis did to make the problem appear worse than it is. He gets no quarter, like Villar got last week, from anybody.

  4. I'm with Holmer - he won't be Arenado with the glove, but his early errors were in 30 degree wind chill. In that weather, my hands would be frozen. Let's see how he rolls in his return.

    It was cherry picking a bit to leave out 2020, but lots of hitters including JD had real issues in 2020.

    What if what I said in the following sentence is more his norm going forward? "In 2019 and 2021, he has hit a combined .315 in 451 at bats, with 25 doubles, 24 HRs, and a .380 OBP."

    David Wright in his prime would have been happy with those numbers. On this team? I'd be effusive.

  5. Right now, the team needs instant offense.

    JD invented that term.

  6. One mystery to me. Mason Williams, a 29 y.o veteran, is the CFer at 'Cuse, hitting a mere .341!

    Cam Maybin is our CFer, hitting the roundest #, yet playing every game.

    What's missing here?

  7. Bill, on Mason vs. Maybin, I have Mason by TKO in the first round. Kidding aside, it must be 40 man roster nonsense.

  8. Mack, we need tons of instant offense, and right this minute.

  9. Bill

    All you have to do is release Maybin and it opens a 40 slot.

    My guess is the Mets are doing the humane thing and playing Maybin until he gets a hit so they can release him on a high note.

  10. Luis Rojas said they are playing Maybin for his defense. When Pillar comes back - someone will need to go...Maybin will probably clear waivers and the Mets can keep him in AAA in case he is needed later.

  11. Vitamin D deficiency has become such a major issue globally that all age gatherings, from children to the elderly, are in danger. The issue in the United States is at a record-breaking high with simply more than 40% of adults being deficient in vitamin D .
