

Open Thread - Reader Survey


Mack's Mets is extremely blessed to have great regular writers like Reese KaplanTom Brennan, and Remember 1969, shared posts from Mike's Mets and Metstradamus, and very talented writers like David RubinRay SavagePaul ArticulatesJeremy Mand , Ernest Dove, and others.  

We also have been very fortunate to be able the share photos by Syracuse Photographer Herm Card and St. Lucie Photographer Ed Delany.  And of course, through it all, amazing Draft reports, predictions and prognostications from the man that started this site in 2005, Mack.

Over the past year or so we have tried to do some different things at Mack's Mets.  Some may have worked well.  Some maybe not so much.  

We added Minor League Stats and Winter Ball Stats, embedded the Minor and Major League Gameday feeds so you can get all of those in one place, different features to our "Sidebar" on the Web Page version like Mets Videos, a Mets Twitter feed, added links posts from SportSpyder, etc.

We may have more changes coming.  We may not.

I try to put things on here that I would want to see.  Stuff that you can't get anywhere else - at least without having to click in multiple places.  

Some have stated that there is sometimes too much stuff on the site, that they can't find the posts by the main writers easily.  We tried to change that by highlighting featured posts on the Website's sidebar.  

I am also toying with a new layout on our "Test" site.  It still needs some fine tuning but it works a lot better on cell phones and over 60% of our readers come from that device.  Please let us know what you think.

But before we do anything else, we would like to hear, what do you, the loyal Mack's Mets readers, want to see?

Do you want more changes or just leave well enough alone?

Please leave comments below.  I will try to run similar posts like this from time to time to get your feedback.


  1. I have no problems with the way it is. I read it mostly on my IPad but sometimes on my IPhone. It might be more difficult on my phone. I am always willing to try a new interface if you feel it will be better for the user. Fangraphs recently changed their interface and I was fine with it.

    Thank you for all of the information you provide on your site. It is the best.

  2. Thanks Raw. I appreciate your comments and readership.

  3. I view the site daily, almost exclusively on my phone, and haven't had any difficulty accessing the info I crave. I look forward especially to the Minor League updates, which rarely appear on any other sites.

    I can't think of any particular parts that are lacking. Keep up the great work!

  4. The main thing I like about the "Test- Site" is that the sidebar can be seen on the mobile version and the labels for each post are included (unlike the current version). The downsides are that the bullets are not included for the RSS feeds in the sidebar and some of the embedded stats on the posts don't look as good. Format mirrors Mack's Draft site - good for continuity purposes.

  5. We've all heard the phrase "to know us is to love us." I get the sense our readers do. And I thank them for that. We love you, too.

    I wonder what can be done to get the site in front of more eyeballs. A certain number of those eyeballs should become repeat eyeballs.

    Any thoughts in that regard from readers would be thoughts we would appreciate.

  6. I use a variety of devices on a daily basis and have no complaints………..with that said, if a few tweaks make things better, then I am all for it.

  7. Thanks Mike. If you ever get the itch again, let us know.

  8. Best Met site on the web hands down and I'm a believer in "if it ain't broke don't fix it" but I'm still with you if you do and many thanks to all of you for this site.

  9. I was looking for a survey to answer questions, but this form works just as well. Personally, I do what I do for the site for a love of writing and love of the game. While personally my ego fluffs up a bit when I occasionally hit double digits in the number of comments made by readers, the fact is that it is a good outlet for all-things Mets, from the minor leagues up through the boys in Queens. Its purpose is not to be a game-by-game reporting outlet, but more of an opinion piece about issues, players and related matters affecting the team organization. Sometimes we even write about other teams or personal situations associated with baseball...true fans feel things that go beyond Citifield. I look forward to changes in the layout but not in the spirit, content nor truthfulness we have built.

  10. Good points Reese. I think you hit on what I am trying to do, build in more news items without taking away from the core focus of the site - "more of an opinion piece about issues, players and related matters affecting the team organization." That is our bread and butter. We could stick to just a couple of posts a day or figure out a layout so those core posts are still highlighted while also providing links posts, gamedays or other similar type content.

  11. Oh man another article that makes me feel old: The Post one on the original 62' team is just another reason I find myself saying "back in the day" alot especially because I went to the Polo grounds in 62' which was just after they invented dirt right? LOL

  12. As I’m seeing, there is no problem with the layout. Those of us that visit the site multiple times a day, really don’t use the side bar since we just look at the new content unless we’ve used up all the reading and want to see who’s tweeting, lol. For the times that I did scroll the sidebar, I found it to be busy but not really disorganized and certainly it was easy to follow. I miss the prospect rankings there.

    I am impressed by how Tom, Reese and John can write an article day after day after day; y’all are incredible, thank you. The draft stuff by Mack keeps me in touch with the upcoming draft, and that’s fun. If wouldn’t change anything, but, that’s up to you folks.

    I use my iPad and iPhone like Raw does. On my iPad, I have no problems. On my iPhone, I must leave the web version and go to the mobile version if I want to leave a comment.

  13. I think it's great just the way it is. Very straight forward. This is by far the best site on the Mets. I'm limited in my technology, and I have no trouble navigating the site.

    Like everyone is saying if you can make changes for the better, that's great.
    If worries.

  14. Gary: On the 6th day, He created dirt, and on the 7th day, He snuck in the Mets before He rested. He rushed the Mets, that much is clear.

  15. Honestly, you guys are the best source of information for me. I can find out about our up and coming prospects, up and coming drafts, international updates and a bunch of great writers eager to exchange comments and ideas with the readers.

    That's why I have been around for so many years and will continue to do so.

    Keep it up as I and many others have enjoyed exchanging comments with all of you. I look forward to the day that I will meet some of you and say: hi, I am Viper.

    Hey, there is an idea. Lets one day set up a place for a bunch of us to meet. I would be nice to meet a lot of the regulars on this site.

  16. Thanks - we are considering all comments - including the encouraging words!

  17. Mack encouraged me to become a contributor to this site. It's usually among my first reads of the day. Enjoy hearing from Tom, Reese,etal. Both are much more articulate than I can ever hope. I like the current format and see no reason to change. Think it's time for me to write something.

  18. Hi there. . i am a little late to the game here.

    I echo so many others here that this is the best Mets site there is. I think Reese and Gus especially nailed it in their comment above.

    I typically use the computer for reading, as I like the bigger access for all internet browsing that I do. I to open Macks Mets on my phone and don't have any issues with it but prefer the bigger layout and the right scroll pane.

    All the links on the site work really well and things are easy to find. Scrolling to and linking the archived articles is a great feature.

    I hope the Minor League Game Day links are continued here - I really enjoyed scrolling through the games last year - never was able to do that before.

  19. Hey,you guys do a good job! I read you every morning.

  20. Great job, you guys do a great job and the price is right!

  21. Koos and Alex, thanks. We hope you'll let your friends know about us if you are so led. Have a great night.
