


I wanted to re-ask a question I asked earlier.

What is your general opinion of our new General Manager?

I will open with this.

I liked the fact that he hasn't caved to the mob-like fan and beat press pressure of making a deal right out of the box. Most of them tend to be the wrong ones.

He has enough good people around him... Mickey... Omar... to confirm to him what this team needs both short and long term.

And he also knows that the pipeline currently has a limited amount of red chip talent and to trade a couple of them away would just set the organization back years.

So, yes I think he ought to stay away from the beat press and stop answering their questions with vague answers, but I am also impressed with his non-action so far.


  1. He is a shrewd deal maker, or he'd not have been a super agent. I will await results of his deals to decide.

    1. Exactly, Tom. Let's not jump to conclusions. Give him time to make his moves before jumping on him for what you think they will be

  2. I think part of the frustration some folks are feeling is that the vague answers don't read like a blueprint for success. "We'll be in on all free agents" and "We're happy with the catchers we have" seem to be contradictory. Now it is not wise to show all your cards, particularly to other teams with whom you might trade nor to agents representing the best of the FAs, but having seen mostly half-hearted "value" picks that relied mostly on luck and health for the past several years, the fans are anxious for a clear direction. Now that direction could be to jump in with both feet. It could be to get more red prospects into your system through trades. It could be a combination of the two. Right now we just don't know.

  3. Still in wait and see mode.........moves made out of desperation rarely work out for the best, so I am OK with his pacing so far.

    I just hope he doesn't wait TOO long, like Sandy used to (patient to a fault).

    Still hoping for Ramos.

  4. Mike -

    Ramos would be a good fit.

    We really don't have anyone at that position screaming down in the pipeline to get out.

  5. For me it better to do nothing to continue to make dumb moves...
    All of last seasons moves were dumb... and we are worse off today as a result of them...

    One move I would wait for is to see if we could pick up donaldson on the cheap... maybe on a short or even a 1 year deal to see if he can have a big year and become a free agent next year...

    I love machado but all of his antics scream he is bad guy... not like manny who would hit no matter where but a malcontent... I was all in on him but I may be treading lightly...
