

Reese Kaplan -- BVW in Public and in Private

It was exactly one week ago today I asked the rhetorical question of whether BVW's big mouth was a pro or a con for the Mets?  After all, he was playing out in the media the eventual Robinson Cano/Edwin Diaz trade, making lots of noise publicly about the possibility of a JT Realmuto deal and seemingly showing his cards on every transaction under the sun.

What a difference a week makes!

First came the never-even-hinted-at signing of Jeurys Familia to provide a one-two late inning punch alongside Edwin Diaz.  There was nary a whisper except among some fans clamoring for a reunion with the former All-Star closer.  That one was done pretty much under the radar.

Then on the heels of that deal came the pretty much out of nowhere signing of Wilson Ramos which simultaenously put to bed the JT Realmuto rumors and the question about whether or not it was worth giving up a draft pick to sign Yasmani Grandal.  

So apparently BVW is capable of both making known his plans when it suits hie purposes and keeping them tightly under wraps when that's the way to go.  My apologies for having misjudged the man.  


  1. Its hard to not be happy with BVW so far.

    People don't like change and doing things different ways. Some people can't take the criticism if you rebuff the norm. I think Buster Olney(and countless others) really raked the Wilpons and BVW over the coals when they first hired him. I think with risk comes greater chance of reward. There is no need to be reckless but you can be risky without being reckless. You don't achieve greatness by just doing the same thing everyone else does. BVW seems to be emblemizing this, he is willing to explore every avenue to improve the team despite any stigmas and criticism associated with it or that may follow. I love this. The status quo and doing things the old way was getting old. I've never been more excited for the season to start. I love that the Mets have such treasure trove of young talented and exciting players that came up from our own system that they are finally augmenting in a meaningful way with free agency. Those last 2 months of 2018 really have me hyped up, felt the 2nd half of 2015 magic making its way back. Can't wait to see what BVW does next.

    1. Dallas, I agree. When Brodie made the Diaz/Cano deal, I felt we needed to wait and see how good he'd really be. We're 75% there, and the rest should be easy now. A good outfielder, another strong reliever, and another good one, and we'd be done...unless they also upgrade 5th starter.

  2. An apology from Reese to a Mets GM...

    Pigs can fly.

  3. So far, so good......very encouraged about this coming season and beyond.

    Not to mention, he has put together a very respectable front office and analytics about pigs flying!

  4. I don’t think the Mets were ever in on Grandal because of the money, but I do wonder whether Brody floated rumors about the players they would have to give up to get Realmuto and let social media and talk radio show Fred just how vilified they’d be for doing it as a way of convincing him to spend modestly on Ramos instead, even if Fred would have rather not.

    1. I just don’t believe for a minute that Brody got this job by telling Fred he was going to spend more of his money. And I think that he’ll have to fight for every penny over the absolute minimum Fred thinks he can get away with.

  5. Mike

    And he is still under last year's budget.
