~I've said it before, I'll say it again- Daniel Murphy- love his intensity, NOT the long-term solution at second.If he's not hitting for power at all, and he makes miscues at second (in spite of his best efforts), it really doesn't matter that he is hitting over .300. He's not moving anything forward offensively or defensively and is of no more use right now then Castillo was, I hate to say...

~I'll say it one more time- we can provide you with WHOM the Mets drafted, we can speculate from here until the cows come home about whether or not they should have drafted Hawkins instead of Cecchini, but at the end of the day, we have to trust that Sandy, Depo and team know EXACTLY what they are doing and WHY they are doing it and, until proven otherwise, deserve the benefit of the doubt!!
~Speaking of the draft, Mack Ade is reporting that Matt Koch (Mets 3rd round pick) is signed. Another one in the fold!! And Mr. Cecchini is going to report to Kingsport!!
~Paging Brandon Nimmo...paging Brandon Nimmo...please report to- SOMEWHERE where we can see you play!!!!
~Speaking of the draft, Mack Ade is reporting that Matt Koch (Mets 3rd round pick) is signed. Another one in the fold!! And Mr. Cecchini is going to report to Kingsport!!
~Paging Brandon Nimmo...paging Brandon Nimmo...please report to- SOMEWHERE where we can see you play!!!!

~Folks, if anyone has a Mets' 1998 yearbook for trade or sale, I'd be very, very interested!!! It's the only one I am missing and I can't find a copy for sale anywhere. I'd be very grateful for your help!! If you have one, please email me at djrubin@aol.com and let me know what you'd like in exchange!!
~Captain Kirk and Do-Dah-Duda must play every day - PERIOD!! I don't care whom else you play in the outfield, be it Bay, Torres or Hairston, but these two should be playing every day- That's ALL!!!
~The Boston Globe's Nick Cafardo has the Met's manager, Terry Collins, as the third best managerial performer of this season, behind the Dodgers' Don Mattingly and the White Sox' Robin Ventura. From Cafardo:
3. Terry Collins, Mets - The fact that a team with no business hanging around in the competitive NL East is right in the mix is a tribute to the veteran skipper, who has transformed himself through the years from a combative tough-guy type to one with a pretty steady hand handling players. Collins has been able to maneuver through six different shortstops and three left fielders. He has dealt with the loss of Jason Bay (who is now back), and has navigated through a pitching staff led by Johan Santana, who pitched a no-hitter, and knuckleballer R.A. Dickey. The Mets are unlikely to be buyers because of their dire financial situation, but hanging in as they have is impressive.
~I hope the Mariners are putting every one of those six pitchers who combined to throw a no-hitter on a strict pitch count over there next 10 outings or so- wouldn't want them to have a "hang-over" effect, now would we? As long as they're not facing the Yankees next, they should be okay...
~Stephen and I were discussing Matt Den Dekker yesterday, and his predilection for striking out versus his other, myriad skills (power, speed, great defense.) MDD has been on fire of late, and he represents, to me, a better version of Lenny Dykstra with power from the start. Forget the strike-outs- the major league coaching staff will work with him on that. I want a major league outfield of Capt Kirk/MDD/Du-da asap!!!!
~Now that Mad Men's Layne Price has hung himself, we won't get to see that great mid-60's era METS Pennant in his office anymore...it's always the "little things" you miss...
~So it's reported that former Padres great, Tony Gwynn, owes $400,000 in taxes. Since we've had SO much success at this site raising money, I think we should take up a collection for Tony so he can fulfill his dream of owning a piece of the San Diego Padres. Do I hear one dollar???

~...but speaking of Ike, HERE is how you "fix" him- send him to the minors for 15 days, using his "Valley Fever" as an excuse to DL him. Give him video of the first 6 weeks of the 2011 season to watch- and that is ALL he is allowed to watch. Put him in the hitting cages in St. Lucie, between the 2 fields, where no reporters can watch him, and let him hit. In the morning, he hits. In the afternoon, he hits. In the evening, he watches himself hitting. No phone calls to tell him what he's doing wrong. No 14,000 people telling him to change his stance, from at-bat to at-bat.
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