




“The conduct reported in The Athletic story today is completely unacceptable and would never be tolerated under my ownership.”






“I was appalled by the actions reported today of former manager Mickey Callaway. I was unaware of the conduct described in the story at the time of Mickey’s hire or at any time during my tenure as General Manager. We have already begun a review of our hiring processes to ensure our vetting of new employees is more thorough and comprehensive.”


Tom Brennan said...

Change hiring procedures.

Stay away from players named Johnson.

Anonymous said...

This is a societal problem, compounded exponentially by a macho, male-dominated professional sports environment. Not a thing that can be fixed overnight. But while it might be hard to change attitudes, behavior can be addressed and held accountable. That's our world now: accountability. Overall, a good thing (but messy as hell).

I can't blame Sandy for the hires, though moving forward the Mets and all of MLB need to bring a diversity of opinions and perspectives into all phases of the game.

Six old white guys sitting around a table isn't going to cut it in our brave, new world.

Is 73-year-old Sandy Alderson the right man to lead the Mets into a new future he might not even comprehend? I don't know, it's possible -- but he's got to starting bringing in the right people. In his last go round, 7+ years with Mets, his two main men were JP Richiardi and DePodesta, both useless.

For the entirety of his previous tenure and beyond, Sandy has skated free of all criticism. He's a cult figure amongst many bloggers, in particular, the man who does little but can do no wrong. Now he's in a different world, with much higher expectations, and for the first time ever in NY, he's going to start feeling some heat.

Was hiring Alderson the new owner's first mistake?

Again: I like him in the room, I don't like him in charge.


Anonymous said...

In this context, I think we should look back at Brodie's hiring of Jessica Mendoza as an astute, progressive move that mostly flew under the radar or was criticized.