
R.I.P. - Bobby Thompson

Thomson, who was born in Glasgow, Scotland and moved to Staten Island when he was two years old, would never again approach 100 RBI and was traded four more times before retiring in 1960 with a lifetime .270 average, 264 homers, 1,705 hits and 1,026 RBI for 15 years. "The Flying Scot", as he was called, took the high road when the Wall Street Journal story came out. Branca maintained the sign-stealing story vindicated him; that Thomson knew what pitch was coming.
"Ralph has a right to believe what he wants," said Thomson who, through their mutual fate, had formed a close, lifetime friendship with Branca. "But I can assure you nobody gave me any sign. I was looking for a fastball and that's what I got. We're married to each other by this. This is the first sign of any trouble between us and it's nothing big. We're too damn old to let it bother us now."


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