
Mack - Sandy… Pick Up The Phone

The Mets fan base, my blog readers, all of baseball, the Congress of the United States, and the total population of Asia is done with the question ‘who will play shortstop for the New York Mets in 2014’.

Ruben Tejada, who has already lost the job to a replacement that isn’t around (???), made sure he gave us a couple of more reasons Thursday to make us happy with that decision. He hit into a critical double player early in the game followed by an error the next inning on a routine ground ball. That’s his third error of the pre-season, two on routine grounders. This is Tejada’s version of shortstop suicide. He’s just standing there waiting for the kill shot.

We’ve discussed and written about every shortstop in baseball that has a vowel in their last name. We’ve even covered most of the second basemen that are available and everything always seems to always get back to that guy who’s last name rhymes with ‘blue’.

He also has an agent whose last name rhymes with ‘your ass’.

Sandy… bubala… pick up the phone and call Scott.

Pay the freight.

No one is going to hold it against you at this point in this painful off-season.

Give him the two-year contract you don’t want to give him and we’ll never bring up the position until opening day of the 2017 spring training. By then, one of the kids in the system might be bubbling over and a natural transition can be made.

You’re not overpaying here, Sandy. Add to it the current underpaid money being paid to Thor and Montero and the combination of the two balance each other out.

Please, just pick up the phone.

Don’t listen to those no-see-ums running around in the clubhouse sticking microphones under your chin. They don’t understand your pain. They just played pong back in their day and the only baseball bat they ever had was made of plastic.


Tell you what.

I just kicked in $10.00 into my paypal account (macksmets@gmail.com ) to help raise the $28.2mil that would be needed for the two year contract. This leaves $28.19999mil (do I have my numbers right?) to go. I’m asking my readers to add to the account and, when we get the first half raised ($14.1mil), we’ll show up on your front door with a cashier’s check that you and Mr. Wilpon can match and put this madness to bed.

Once again… the paypal account to raise $14.1mil for ‘that guy’ is:

Pick up the phone, Sandy.

We can do this.


Bob Sugar said...

Boras is licking his chops today Mack.

Sandy and Boras is like Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev right now. Eye to Eye

Tom Brennan said...

I think Boras is paying Ruben under the table to enhance the market for Drew...what else could explain Tejada's explosive start?

It looks to me (a foolish Met fan) to think that if Mejia and Montero go to the pen, the bullpen will be a major upgrade over last year's; that our starting pitching is as good as last years, even without Harvey (remember Marcum and the cast of fools in the #5 slot?), and the offense with Drew would look far superior to what we opened with last year. Wild card in 2014, anyone? The Mets in 1969 had no one taking them seriously either. Yes, Sandy, pick up the phone. Several more wins, a few hundred thousand more fannies in the seats to pay for Drew's extra $$...and a team that could stir some excitement.

Do it ASAP, so Drew is ready for Opening Day.

bgreg98180 said...


you are absolutely correct.... these decisions seem to be soooo obvious.
heck.... the owners have come right out and stated that not only is there not a money problem this year... but that they have not kept Alderson from spending this year... AND have stated publicly that they are leaving the decisions to Alderson and just need him to ask..... and it is very possible money can be added to payroll.
Given all of this..... why doesnt Alderson make the obvious move? He himself has stated that the Shortstop position needed to be upgrade, back in November. So... why not go to the Wilpons and clear the money for Drew?
Logical choice #1: he believes he has a better option in-house.

Logical choice #2: he believes that he has a better trade option available ... right now

Logical choice #2: Illogically, Alderson's ego is so monstrous that he is compelled to try and prove that he is "the smartest-man-in-the-room" with every move he makes and thus refuses to make a move "the average-man-in-the-room" would make

IBfromWhitePlains said...

Bob - I think it's number 3. Alderson's ego. Sometimes that's a good thing, but right now the need is too pressing.

Mack Ade said...

James Preller · Follow · State University of New York at Oneonta
The assumption here is that Sandy has the money to spend at his disposal. The Wilpons (and Sandy himself) have perpetuated the big lie since he's arrived. Words < Actions. I'm not sure, myself. But I know some folks who don't think the money is there. Which brings us back to the "wisdom" of spending what they had on Bartolo, especially when we are artificially retarding the development of Montero and Mejia, and the availability of veteran fill-in guys to get us to July. Oh well, we'll see. I keep thinking that Sandy can't possibly do nothing. And yet that's just another word for "patience," I guess. Meanwhile, TC can't find a way to get Flores in the SS spot for a longer look. It's all so strange. This puzzling inactivity. I think the Mets need to release Tejada. Each day spent on him is a day wasted.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 5 hours ago

James Preller · Follow · State University of New York at Oneonta
Bob Gregory: You are ignoring another obvious reading, that the Wilpons have been lying since the Madoff issue broke. They are thieves and proven liars. It's just the way it is. Let's go Mets, but no, I'm not going to take anything they say at face value.
Reply · Like · Follow Post · 4 hours ago

Mack Ade said...

Bob -

for me, it's all about ego

David L. Whitman said...

If the money was there they'd have signed him. The money is simply not there. It's another Wilpon lie.

Mack Ade said...

More reason to raise it :)

Stubby said...

Bob Gregory,

Logical choice #4) Drew is not worth what he's asking and, while the money could be there if its justified, Sandy and the Wilpons prefer not to pay top dollar for mediocrity.

Look, its not like we're one player away this year (and omg, sombody wants to put Montero in the bullpen? Get thee behind me Satan!)--or, in Drew's case, half a player. Save the money, don't worry about 2014 and sign JJ Hardy in the off season. From what I've read, the Mets and Drew are so far apart that that deal is never going to happen. Drew's bargaining power should be going down right now, but you guys keep building it up. I'm OK with Tejada for 2014. I am. I'm worried about 2015 and beyond.

Mack Ade said...

Stubby -

One thing about the Mets/Drew negotiations... they are not 'far apart'

Alderson and Boras are 'far apart'.

There will come a time that Drew steps in and tells his agent that he wants to play baseball like all him friends are doing,. Only then will he sign with a team, probably for one year, because this whole concept simply didn't work and baseball has to readdress it before it happens again.

It wasn't designed for agents like Boras. It just gives him one more toy to play with.

John Looby said...

I say give Drew 3 years. It will bridge the gap to Rosario (or Cecchini). I can't see the sense in trading away prospects. Drew is perfect timing wise for the club.

Mack Ade said...

Loop -

Yeah, I don't understand why Alderson doesn't see the pluses of a 2 or 3 year deal here. I guess he feels burned on past deals with players that flunked out.